newbie here - i need advice

by kassad84 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding


    I've sent you another PM.

  • BluesBrother


    Welcome! No judgement here....One of the WTS biggest tools is GUILT, bucketloads of it.

    "I have not reported this month" - Guilty !

    "I harbour doubts" - Guilty!

    "I do what comes natural to young men" - Guilty!

    Freedom from their control unloads a ton of guilt from your shoulders......Now unless your porn is illegal kiddie stuff, I say to relax about it . By all means work constructively towards reducing your use of it but view it as a habit to work on, not a terrible sin. Therapy might be help you deal with issues if you are in a position to use it.

  • Chariklo

    Hi, Kassad84,

    You asremongst friends here, people of all ages and from all kinds of backgrounds and all manner of different links with the Jehovah's Witnesses. Everyone is different and everyone is the same...they've been affected by the Watchtower one way or another.

    It sounds to me as if you might be depressed. Strong feelings of guilt can be a feature of that. It might not hurt you to talk to a doctor a bit, or to see a counsellor if that is available to you.

    Anyway, keep checking in here and keep talking to people. Don't be put off by the vigorous and robust nature of some of the discussions. Just remember that somoene knows how you're feeling, and you're not the first and you won't be the last to be where you are.

    You are not alone.

  • Nambo

    You and me both Kassad, and thats one of the reasons I came out, couldnt be a hypocrate so in effect, disfellowshipped myself.

    Ive since come to the conclusion that humans cannot "cure" themselves of sin as the Watchtower trys to get us to do, if we could completely resist sin, then why we would need Jesus?, the Mosaic law taught us this, hopefully, us sinners are going to be counted as the righteous because we are the ones who acknowledge we are completly lost without Jesus, the good doctor who came to save the likes of us, not the self righteous who have no need of repentence.

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Welcome Kassad84. The above posters have given good advice. You are not alone and we will not judge you as the Wt. would. There is no need to feel guilty about something the Bible does not condemn. As to the loneliness, there are many wonderful "worldly" moral people out here. Jgnat had some very good suggestions on where to go to make friends outside of the organization. We look forward to hearing more about you when you are ready to share. Leslie

  • ziddina

    Kassad, you have NORMAL sexual urges...

    Did you know - they've found that FETUSES mastubate in the womb!!

    I don't think anyone's done a study on the subject - yet - but this is a fascinating subject.

    Think of the religious and moral ramifications...

    Supposedly a fetus is "pure" - well, except for "adamic" sin, I guess. But fetuses haven't been exposed to pornography, they're far too young for sexual desire, and yet...

    They masturbate!!


  • Heaven

    I hate myself.

    Hey kassad, glad you joined the forum. This statement from you worries me. I don't know where your beliefs stand and maybe that's something you're working on. But if we are to following Jesus' advice to love our neighbours I can tell you that unless you love yourself, you will not be able to love others. Loving yourself MUST come first.

    So you need to think about your positive attributes. What are you good at?

    Jesus also told us to forgive those who trespass against us. Due to the guilt heaped on you by the Watchtower, you are going to have to fight hard against this and start to FORGIVE yourself.

    Throwing off the guilt as well as the judgmental behaviour that the Watchtower has ingrained in you (and all other JWs) is what you'll need to work on.

    Something else you need to start thinking about is what brings you happiness and joy? What are you interested in? What groups can you join where like-minded people exist? Start looking forward.

    There IS life after the Borg. And it's good. Go get it.

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