The WT Encourages JWs to learn about the early history of the organization! - 8/15/12 WT

by 00DAD 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    Found 'em!

    Compare an actual photo of the stage of the Cedar Point convention (from Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy, page 299) with the re-enactment from the DVD: Jehovah's Witnesses - Faith In Action, Part 1.

    You will notice that at the actual convention, the hall and stage were framed by the US star spangled banner flag. Yet this detail has been left out from the DVD.

    Faith in Action!


    Notice how this is "explained" by the WTBTS in the the 2011 Yearbook under the heading "Tracing All Things With Accuracy":

    In summary, the Writing Department insists on using only material that is accurate and truthful, even regarding seemingly insignificant details. As a result, "the faithful and discreet slave" can consistently supply spiritual food that brings honor to "the God of truth".

    As JWFacts commented in his thread, Watchtower falsification of its history:

    This is not an insignificant detail but a major prophetic and doctrinal issue. The 1922 Cedar Point convention is supposedly a "landmark convention" that was fulfilment of Daniel and Revelation prophecy. It is the end of the 1290 days from Daniel 12 and beginning of the 1335 days, as well as signifying commencement of the pouring out of the seven bowls of God's anger.

    Things that make you go, "Hmmmm!"

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    To be fair though, they also didnt include the "advertise" banner either. It does contradict their insignificant claim, but I'm under the impression that its possible there was no intent to remove the flags but rather they felt it insignificant to add the flags or the banner. They just wanted to recreate a general snapshot of their history.

  • Scott77

    I can only guess they know that most won't bother, and of the few that do, the majority of them will only study the WTBTS's sanitized versions of their history. The remaining ones that actually learn the factual truth about the early history of the organization will all become apostates.

    Iam leaning toward part of that position as stated. The unbiased study of the History of Jehovah's Witnesses is a minefield to the organisation itself.


  • Quendi

    That’s a good question, 00DAD, about a link between the organization’s early history and these latest control efforts. I believe they are connected this way. Looking back on “the good old days” is a time-honored method of diverting attention from present difficulties and getting your followers to identify with other times when people displayed the characteristics the leadership would like to see now.

    So, going back to the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Bible Students, as JWs were then known, can foster the spirit of self-sacrifice, hard work, and dogged determination to preach those people had. That is what the leadership wants to see now. They want present-day Witnesses to think back to those who were colporteurs and such and who preached tirelessly to the masses. They were people who zealously pushed the organization’s agenda instead of their own. They were people who put the religion first, last and always.

    How many times are people urged to “do more in Jehovah’s service”? More times than we can count. If they read about those who did just that—and often that is what the accounts in the Yearbooks and the Proclaimers book emphasize—then that will end much of the grumbling and murmuring they are hearing. That will end people seeking higher education and better-paying jobs. Instead, they will focus on “spiritual” goals and thus be more easily controlled and manipulated. That’s why I believe the WTS is encouraging the rank-and-file to read up on those earlier times.


  • slimboyfat

    Which is more than can be said for this forum, where the moderators won't allow discussion of the history of the board.

  • jgnat

    In a snit, SBF? The particular history you were halfway through relating (when Simon cut it off) was a fraud perpetrated on the board. I can understand why Simon doesn't want that particular muck raked.

    The history of the generation of this board, Simon's history, is freely available.

  • konceptual99

    You try looking at the early history using just WT pubs available now. It's sanitised. You have to be directed via sites like JWfacts which are are control via the thought control gatekeeper. "Wise Christians" will only use sanitised versions. Honest hearted ones will be labelled apostates.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    (I never was a dub).

    Many years ago I was interested in the history of the Mormons and the dubs. Both started about the same time in the same place.

    Smith was a con-man who started a wacky religion based on dreams, gold plates only he could read, etc.

    Russell was a con-man who started a wacky religion based on pyramids, chronology only he could understand, etc.

    IMO, anyone who REALLY investigates the early history of the dubs will run, not walk, away.

  • loading

    I do my own history study whenever I open Crisis of Conscience.

    And I did notice that when I was at the meeting today. Couldn't help but chuckle during that part. I wouldn't be a very good citizen of the kingdom. But my track record speaks for itself + the fact that I'm an undercover "apostate".

  • loading

    WHY oh why would they want you to even research their history since the "light was turned off" at that time?

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