I was just interviewed by CNN Money

by Confession 26 Replies latest social current

  • NomadSoul

    I was curious to hear your voice samples and they are very good.

    Lol @ the people commenting on the article that starting your own business is not a job. Seriously?

  • carla

    Very cool! great voice!

  • TJ Curioso
    TJ Curioso

    Great voice...

    from Portugal

    TJ Curioso

  • Confession

    Awww, thanks folks! At some point, I'm going to write a blog post about how this desire to be free also led to my questioning and leaving the clutches of the Watchtower Society. I'll post a link here when I do that.

  • jgnat

    Hey! I know that voice! I notice you carve out authority when you speak, even as you keep your voice warm. On top of all that, the enunciation is impeccable.

    Cool job!

    You claim not to work for anyone, but even as a free spirit, I you must be constantly selling yourself and presenting your service to your customers. I think your voice speaks for itself.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Good on you, man!

    (gotta say I was worried for a moment when I read about an ex-JW who does VO work, thinking of Ted Williams, the homeless guy with substance abuse issues who got help in form of mentoring from Joe Cipriano, but relapsed? Wonder whatever happened to him?)

    Anyway, keep on keepin' on!

  • poppers

    way Way WAY cool! I've wondered about the people who do this sort of thing, and always thought it would be interestinng. I love listening to a good voice, and you definitely have one. Congratulations on your success.

  • Dagney


    And good work on JW Trivia!

  • Confession

    Yayy! JWN Trivia rocks! We need more players; why not join us for 3 minutes each day?


    By the way, I appreciate all the kudos, peeps.

  • Diest

    I just played for the first time....Just so people know time counts in your score... dont watch TV like I was lol.

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