The New Diary of Winston Smith

by WinstonSmith 336 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Giordano

    Winston I always read your posts as soon as I find them very pleased that your decision to leave is working out. Sorry about Mom hope she comes around at least when it comes to family business like being in touch sharing trip information and health concerns......... you business.

    Hope you'll have a break through. l'd pray for that but alas one can't be a hyprocrite.

    Winston I always read your posts as soon as I find them........ very pleased that your decision to leave is working out. Sorry about Mom hope she comes around at least when it comes to family business like being in touch, sharing trip information and health concerns......... you business.

    Hope you'll have a break through. l'd pray for that but alas one can't be a hyprocrite.

  • joe134cd

    Bro I'm thinking of you and your situation. I should know because I'm in exactly the same situation as you. The only difference is I suffer in silence because of not wanting to get DF. I think word may be getting around about my situation, as I happened to say to internet friend "if he thought the society may of been having problems with cash flow". Now I noticed I have slowly but quietly been getting deleted. i will PM you.

  • WinstonSmith

    Listener: My initial reaction was "oh well, now I know where I am on her list of things to give a shit about", but as you say, I think that I am hitting a nerve that she can't ignore. A lot of JWs never have to face a challenge to their faith, and so when they do have to face one, they have no idea what to do because things in real life never play out like they do in a convention demonstration or drama. Love your point about if shunning were Christian then we would see good coming from it. Nice one!

    Clarity: Thanks for keeping in touch :-)

    Giordano: I appreciate you checking in to see how things are going, nice to hear from you again! It is my hope too that Mum will come around to at least see that she can keep in contact with me. My whole goal here is not to get her to change her religion. I am honestly not trying to get her to change her religion, but I am trying to get her to see that there is no scriptural reason as to why we can't have a normal relationship, and that there is no scriptural reason for her stand (or rather, the stand she has been told to make). To be honest, I think she knows this, but does not want to admit it because if she admits that there is one thing that is incorrect, then she has to admit that there could be other things that are incorrect thus getting on a slippery slope that at her stage in life, she is not ready for.

    Joe: Cheers for your message, I have read your posts and threads and sympathise with your position. There is no such thing as a true friend in the organisation - not in my experience anyway. Friendship as a JW is soley based on your mutual obedience to the everchanging rules of the publishing corporation overlords. Hang in there mate, things will get better!

    Mum has finally followed up on the email she sent in my previous post. I will put it up in a minute. (It is a classic).

  • Oubliette

    Winston: Mum has finally followed up on the email she sent in my previous post. I will put it up in a minute. (It is a classic).

    It's been 25 minutes and counting! C'mon .... we're still waiting!!!

    Eternity clock

  • WinstonSmith

    Alrighty then, so here is Mum's follow up email to her "I will look at everything when I return and contact you then" message. She got back on the 25th of February and this reply came last night (8th of March):

    Hi there

    Safely home from <location> after another lovely trip. It was really hot there, but it was a great stay again renewing old acquaintances and making new ones. Tons of photos of course.

    I will reply to your other comments in due course, I just don't feel like it right now.

    love to you both, mumxxx

    I replied this morning and said "Glad to hear you made it back safe and sound the other week. Great that you could catch up with some familiar faces. Would love to see some photos at some stage." I am going to leave the ball in her court about replying to my "other comments", but I tell you this now, if she tries to defend her treatment of me with a stream of WT bullshit, she'd better get ready for a take-down that will rival Armageddon. If she insists on cutting me off then she will get exactly what she wants because IDGAF anymore.

    I love her to pieces, but will not allow her or anyone else to happily shit all over me. I'm done dealing with human worshiping morons. The sad thing is that I don't think she will ever 'get' it, and all any of this will do is fuel her (their / JWs) persecution complex. Time for me to focus on the people who love me for what I am, and not for shared obedience to a publishing corporation.

  • Oubliette

    Yes, it's important to be loved for WHO WE ARE and not for WHAT WE (pretend) TO BELIEVE.

    Of course, as a JW, we never really know this until we leave the cult!

  • WinstonSmith

    As usual Oubliette, you are right on the money!

    Let's review.....

  • WinstonSmith

    I had a bit of a waaaaaaaaaah on my blog this morning:

    A friend of mine who recently left the Watchtowerites (Jehovah’s Witnesses) posted this video on Facebook this morning. Having recently been through this myself, I know what it is like to have people who used to say they loved you turn their back on you and act like you don’t exist. I have seen first hand a people – who say that one of their “identifying marks” is their love – turn their back and walk in the opposite direction of other people who used to share their beliefs.

    They are told by their self named and self appointed ‘Governing Body’ that this is what the scriptures command them to do. The reality is that no such command is found in the scriptures, it is in fact, their own directive, a means to control with fear, the very people they are supposed to be shepherds for.

    I have read the bible a few times, and studied it closely. The message that Jesus preached was one of love and forgiveness. Of trying understand other people and showing them through your actions the wonderful light that Christianity has brought into your life. The cold hearted shunning of others is un-Christian in the extreme and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of Jesus message of kindness to others.

    The Watchtowerites are told that this is ‘tough love’ and that shunning those who no longer believe what the Watchtower teaches will help them ‘come to their senses’ and come back to the fold. While this may be true in a handful cases (although the return usually has more to do with wanting to be with their family than any kind of reconciliation with god), all this does is push people further and further away. The Watchtowerites love to tell you how much they are increasing worldwide, and say how many got baptised here and there. But the reality is that their increase is only a little over 1% – barely ahead of population growth. How can that be with all these ones supposedly getting baptised and increasing the numbers? Because thousands are leaving and never going back.

    When someone tells you that they no longer believe what you believe. Don’t berate them, don’t turn your back on them, don’t delete them from your life. If you really want them to come back, show them how attractive and amazing your life is with the ‘way’ you have chosen. Show them how much you love them by showing some understanding, some empathy, try and find out what it is that has made them come to their decision.

    Love them.


    Here are the lyrics:

    Jesus, protect me…Jesus, protect me
    From your followers
    Not all of them
    Just the ones
    Who turn love into fear and hatred
    And the ones who say they are above me
    And then point their fingers down at me
    And the ones who judge me when I’m troubled
    And they tell me on the street that I am lost
    And they tell me on my doorstep that I will burn in hell

    Jesus, protect me…Jesus, protect me
    From your followers
    Like the ones who only speak with anger
    They’re screaming from my television
    While stealing from the hand that feeds them
    And demanding that you are the only way
    While spitting in the face of love
    With the one hand on the bible and the other in the purse

    Jesus, protect me…Jesus, protect me
    From your followers
    Like the ones who turn their back on the dying
    And laugh in the face of pain and suffering
    They would kill in the name of freedom
    Or the ones who would manipulate the Constitution
    And try to make laws of their opinions
    While walking shoulder-to-shoulder with greed and violence
    To the ones who would start wars in your name
    To the ones who would attack me for this song
    I sing

    Jesus, protect me…Jesus, protect me
    From your followers
    Not all of them
    Just the ones
    Who turn love into fear and hatred
    Yes, they turn love into fear and hatred

  • WinstonSmith

    So in this past week I came across a stash of my old elder stuff. I've scanned a bunch of notes and agendas, and public talk outlines.

    Check out an agenda and my notes from the meeting here:

    Oh, I'm back by the way. How are you?

  • Listener

    That's fantastic Winston, what a nice surprise.

    I'll check out your link, thanks.

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