"Cannabis the Evil Weed" You Tube BBC Horizon

by frankiespeakin 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • talesin

    frankie ,, thank you for some excellent references. A friend, who has FM quite bad, is applying for MM, and these will be helpful.



  • talesin

    For informational purposes:

    My friend has had an abrasion in his gut when he was younger. Any medical professional (pharmacist, doctor, nurse, whatever!) will tell you that ALL pain meds will cause irritation, and he is at high risk for stomach bleeds, EVEN using Advil or Aspirin. let alone narcs (and I know that many of you who may be reading this take narcs or anti-anxiety drugs, which are highly addictive and cause bad side effects. examples: percoset, adivan, xanax, lorazepam (generic Adivan), tylenol-1, etc. etc.). Tylenol, on a long-term basis, is very hard on the liver.

    So,,,MJ can be eaten, and taken with a vaporizer --- no tar, no addiction,,,, but Big Pharma can't make $$ off it, and the government can't tax it (unlike tobacco, MJ can be grown and cured in the harshest of cold) ...

    and its medicinal benefits are verified and documented in medical and government libraries.

    The TRUTH is OUT THERE ...................

    *hears strange whistle in background ...........




  • Dagney

    Hey tal!

    Do you know if weed helps FM? My best friend has it bad right now, it flared up in the last 10 months or so and she is trying different concoctions, including diet, to see what helps. She lives in a state where it has just been legalized. I mean, why not try it, right?

  • frankiespeakin
  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Talesin, you said: "Muddy, if I may offer my viewpoint (personal experience, not advice). MJ *does* relieve pain, and stress. When the pain and/or stress is relieved, other issues, that have been pushed to the back because we need to deal with the pain or stress, or whatever,,, NOW... those issues may come rushing back in."

    Do you know what… that is sooooooo true, now that I've thought about it… I think it makes perfect sense. What a profound observation!

    Bob Marley once said something like "MJ reveals you to yourself…"

    And when you watch shows where people make physical transformations (like Biggest Loser), where people lose large amounts of weight, they find that they also have many emotional issues and stuff to deal with.

    People who "cleanse" their bodies through detox therapies or diets also say that they go through a lot of mental "cleansing" as well…. So my goodness, your observation makes so much sense and seems so obvious but I'd never thought of it like that before!!

    So THANK YOU for that incredible illumination…. I do believe it will help me A LOT!! And you know what? I already have a little book where I write down a lot of my thoughts and "revelations" and stuff… (Learned that it was a very wise thing to do first before I start speaking these weird things out loud to people… LOL!!)

  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin
  • frankiespeakin
  • Watkins

    Thank you for posting Dr. Gupta's interview, frankie, I was looking for it after having heard only a snippet on the news.

    The 'opposing' Dr. sounded completely unreasonable and stuck on one chord - if it's legalized, kids will get loaded. Got news for ya doc - it's what kids do and it won't change because mj is legalized for medical purposes. Vicodin is legal as 'medicine' and how many kids o.d. on it as opposed to those who o.d. on mj?! (you cannot o.d. on THC - impossible!)

    Good news it is!


  • Thor

    We heard the good doctors apology on the radio yesterday morning. It is good news! More and more will come out about cannabis and it's benefits...

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