'occasional eccentricity and abnormal attitudes' of Jehovah's Witnesses in regard to the Anti-Islam Videographer’s First Amendment Right to Insult Religion cited

by Sol Reform 16 Replies latest social current

  • glenster

    ^ Nakoula was subsequently jailed, and as of September 28, 2012, he faces up to
    three years in prison for lying to federal probation officials regarding his role
    in the making of the video.

    Following the violent reactions to the video, Nakoula and his family went into
    hiding, and the Cerritos home is listed for sale.[2] His attorney has said he has
    received threats to his safety.[10] On September 15, 2012, federal authorities
    Nakoula in for an interview about possible probation violations related to the
    film's distribution on the Internet.[35][36][37] On September 27, 2012, U.S.
    federal authorities arrested Nakoula in Los Angeles charging eight counts of
    probation violation.[38][10] Prosecutors stated that some of the violations in-
    cluded making false statements regarding his role in the film and his use of the
    alias "Sam Bacile".[39] None of the charges relate to his use of the Internet.
    [10] Following a hearing before a judge, Nakoula was ordered to jail without bail
    on September 27, 2012, with the judge citing probation violations including lying
    to probation officials, "danger to the community", and "lack of trust in the de-
    fendant".[40] He faces up to three years in prison.

  • freydo

    "Why the United States Must Either Get Behind the Anti-Islam Videographer's First Amendment Right to Insult Religion (and Politics and Politicians and Every Other Power, Large or Small), Or Lose What Matters Most"

    The Muslim outrage and killing is nothing more than their justification for killing anybody who doesn't agree with them. In other words, anything could set them off if they are in a mind to be set off. Since Obama is a Muslim, doing and saying things pro-Muslim and anti-semetic, it ought to send shock waves thru the country, but it doesn't, because the country has become so illiterate in terms of it's own roots and has become a paganized heathen menagerie of corruption of it's culture, much like this board that aren't worth the air it would take to tell them so. And anybody speaking about these roots is libeled a right wing fanatic and the paganized heathen menagerie is seen as the voice of reason when all they are are pigs with lipstick. Ultimately this has to lead to civil war if the country isn't taken over or bombed out of existence first as the Constitution is being rendered meaningless with the only alternative in the upcoming election to be a man in secret underwear representing a religion that is antithetical to the roots as well. Just a little less evil.

  • glenster
  • freydo

    Secession! Lakota Sioux Nation Leaves The Union!

    Sunday, September 30, 2012 3:33 Share in Share ‘Last of the Mohicans Star’ still fighting for Indian independence nearly 40 years later. "President Barack Obama has an unexpected foreign policy problem – in the Western United States. The Lakota Sioux nation has seceded from the United States, according to a story on the anti-American website La Voz de Aztlan. “We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us,” long-time Native American radical leader Russell Means said. The move potentially impacts the states of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming...... “In 1973, Mr. Means led a siege of Wounded Knee by Indians who alleged that the tribal leadership was corrupt......" http://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2012/09/secession-lakota-sioux-nation-leaves-the-union-2492902.html

  • freydo

    Romney v. Obama Debates: What to watch from the Leftist “Moderators”


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I truly wish people would explain why they are copying and pasting. All it takes is a sentence or two. This thread is so disjointed. Marci Hamilton has no foreign policy problems b/c she has no expertise or responsibility. Obama has had responsibility. Either he will continue to have responsibility or Romney will do so. Her job as First Amendment advocate and professor is to bolster progressive First Amendment views.

    Something tells me that Obama prob. had one view while he taught const'l law at the Univ. of Chicago. Now he must uphold our First Amendment and conduct foreign policy. I do believe that your actual duties in life have an impact on how you view things.

    I believe a CIA analyst would have a different view than a progressive Harvard Law prof. or the New York Times.

  • glenster

    "Copy and Paste":

    I'm not sure myself in a couple cases.

    Speaking for myself, even if I wanted to make a case against Islamist extrem-
    ism and the video the furor is about appeared in my Email I'd click Spam and
    forget about it. But in the initial post, it's brought up that the threats and
    even murders of the hyper-politicized Islamist protesters in reaction to it has
    tempered freedom of speech concerns and led to judgments against the admittedly
    irreverent speaker. Most commentaries, even by our leaders, pass that point by
    without showing evidentially that the hypocrisy of those reactionaries is
    immense, so I couldn't let it pass by without showing research sources for it.

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