Do you think marrying an unbeliever could be a disfellowshipping offense in the future?

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  • ziddina

    They appear to be working their way towards that....

    On the other hand, their proselytising isn't working on the vast majority of people, esp. in 'first-world' countries, so if they cut off THAT method of obtaining new blood - especially potentially college-educated new blood - well, let's just say that the donation amounts are likely to fall still further.

    Which would be GOOOOOOOD....

  • sir82

    My best guess is that the upcoming elders' school is going to tighten the screws somewhere.

    It may be marrying an unbeliever, it may be violent video games, it may be (even more) anti-higher education, but I think they want to drop the hammer on somebody.

    As has been stated here many times, they'd rather have 4 million die-hard financially contributing members than 7 or 8 million members of whom 1/2 are slackers who "discourage" the rest.

    They purged NY Bethel of 1/3 of their members - why not purge 1/3 or 1/2 of their worldwide count? 1/3 to 1/2 are "low hour publishers", or "irregular", or miss meetings frequently, etc. At some point they will come to the conclusion that they are better off without them.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Datadog said:

    "The Flock book doesn't say anything about it being brazen conduct. It does say that an appointed man could lose his position by tacit approval of marriage between a " Christian " and an " unbeliever "."

    Does it use the words, "tacit approval", and did it always say that?

    Wow, as that means the elder must actively disapprove of the marriage, voicing their objection over the marriage to the person, or risk losing their elder gig. No more "looking the other way" allowed.

  • Knowsnothing


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    I think that viewing "apostate" websites which voice any criticism of the WTBTS, will be introduced as a D/F offence pretty soon.

    The amount of information exposing false teachings and practices, must be sending shockwaves through those whose status and credibility are being rapidly eroded worldwide. Therefore the source of such information will be vilified, as will anyone viewing what is presented in such sites.

    Tough one for them to prove though!!

  • minimus

    Too many troubles with that rule.

  • jgnat

    It would be fine with me.

    Just think of the loss of future recruits - the children of divided households.

  • garyneal

    Yes, I agree with jgnat. I am all for that.

  • jgnat

    Just think of the consequences. How could the disfellowshipped possibly come back? Divorce the offendig spouse? What if there are children involved? Not exactly a pro-family reponse.

    When hubby was reproved for fornication, a wise elder told him "not to do it again". When I heard this, I giggled. He better not. We were already married.

  • loading

    Witness My Fury: " If the person involved has been warned previously about pursuing the relationship (there will probably also be a requirement that they have been warned more than ONCE in some BOE letter if it hasnt already) then the good old (new) BRAZEN conduct card can be pulled out and I can see some being DFd for this, yes."

    But what if they haven't committed immorality/pornia or whatever they call it while engaged (however short the engagement is)...they would still df you?? And what if the relationship/engagement was private and only after they were married it became known?

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