Pursuing higher education is comparable with having OCD - according to Gerrit Losch

by cedars 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Healthworker

    Amen Quendi!

    Love Healthy

  • leaving_quietly

    71% go to college so they can get more money later. Well . . . duh!

  • Finkelstein

    This guy is just regurgitating the bullshit he was trained with decades a go, that higher education is at this moment of human history is redundant.

    The WTS's position on this is very similar to other religious cults in that higher education ( Universities , Colleges ) are deemed dangerous

    and godless. Otherwise they are not in control of the information thats being put out.

    His analogy that going to pursue higher education is like putting a gun to your head is disturbing but not unexpected taking in

    consideration of the source.

    One day Gerrit will be in a hospital receiving care from health professionals who did make the higher educational effort.

    Hypocrisy of the finest.

  • simon17

    He's not comparing college to OCD. He's comparing college to shooting yourself in the head. The OCD is incidental to the story.

    You can go shoot yourself in the head, and there's a small probability you'll survive and maybe even get something useful out of it.

    You can go to colllege, and there's a small probability you'll [spiritually] survive and maybe even get something useful out of it.

    Still entirely asinine but its not showing disrespect to OCD.

  • Healthworker


    You write: "Still entirely asinine but its not showing disrespect to OCD"

    Some may think he does! First of all, he has no Biblical support for his view. Second of all, there is similarities between higher education and shooting oneself in the head. Third point: To use this poor person with OCD trying to commit suicide, as an illustration to warn against higher education, is unloving and showing disrespect towards this patient group.

    How many of my brothers were struggling with panic attacks, OCD, general suffering of fear when he held that speach in Norway (he said the same thing here 2012)? How many dropped going to school this autumn because of fear of being killed spiritually! How many got twisted thoughts of getting a gun, trying this stunt!

    Final point made: It's not okay to sacrifice our youth's future and lives, to sustain a doctrine that has no backing from God. Which is unhealthy, black-and-white, which disregards the true gospel of Jesus! That he gave his life for us, so that we should love each other, respect one another, take care of our families, our babies, father and mother, the old and the sick! This video exposes his true spirit, the man for what he is!

    Love from your brother, Healthworker

  • frankiespeakin

    I think Losch really beleives in his screwed up indoctrinated thought looped mind that going to college is like committing suicide. After all in his mind there is no life outside the WT Organization, that must really be what he is projecting out to the world in his psyche, that is his world point of veiw.

    He can't see what others can see about himself. To him his talk is without flaw as it seems so obvious to him. He thinks in a very simple way, he has no idea of the kind of picture other may have of him because he has projected so much of his denied self out on to the world.

  • 00DAD

    Healthworker: Second of all, there is similarities between higher education and shooting oneself in the head.

    Please tell me that you didn't mean that!

    Besides the bad grammar (subject/verb agreement) you can't possibly be serious. Did you leave something out? What were you thinking?

  • cedars

    simon17 - the comparisons are fairly obvious.

    Someone desiring further education = an OCD sufferer...

    College = a bullet through the brain to try and remedy the "illness".

    It makes little sense to suggest the illustration applies to everyone, because someone who DOESN'T wish to pursue further education would feel little if no compulsion to satisfy a need that doesn't exist by going to college.


  • Healthworker

    Second of all, there is NO similarities between higher education and shooting oneself in the head.

  • cedars


    I think healthworker means to say that Losch is the one drawing comparisons or "similarities" where none exist.


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