I Do Not Think Everyone That is a JW Wastes Their Life

by Magwitch 64 Replies latest jw experiences

  • tinker

    I am sorry Magwitch if I offended you. It was not my intention to harm the memory of your grandmother. I am happy you have comfort knowing she found purpose in her lifetime.

    The title of the post is a statment of your opinion. Thank gawd we have JWN to vent our feelings and opinons. I think most if not all here would offer sympathy for your loss. And because this is often a forum to debate the WTBS experience some will offer a difference of opioion.

    NO, I did not compare this grandmother to Hitler. I used the analogy that anyone supporting a harmful organization or culturally taught oppression, even unknowingly, would be held responsible for such support. It belongs to everyone to educate themselves as to what a organization teaches if they devote and dedicate their lives to it.

    I was a very happy and joyful Jdud for 50yrs. When I learned the TTATT, The Truth About The Troof, I picked myself up and walked out the door. I also begged forgiveness for my ignorance to my children and grandchildren even though it was bliss at the time.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Condolences Magwitch

    The loss of a grandmother is so painful. Especially when the memories of her are beautiful. One of my grandmothers died a few years ago. She was one of the longest baptized witnesses in the district. I was very sad that she spent her life in this cult, sacrificed her dreams for it, and left it as a legacy (along with my other grandparents) to my family. I wish she had had the tools and the courage to get out.

    But it doesn't lessen the love I will always feel for her. She was the best grandmother in the whole world.

  • VIII

    Sorry for your loss magwitch.

    Personally, I have zero fond memories of my Grandmother. She abandoned her family to go preach Jehovah's word in the 1950's. My mother was left as a 12YO to raise her siblings.

    Grandma showed up years later (decades) when I was 13 and told me I was going to die at Armagedon because I hadn't put in enough hours out in FS. This was in 1975, the summer. First time out of the two times I met the old lunatic.

    While I suppose some of those "old school witnesses" could be nice, the vast majority I knew in the Chicago area were a bunch of eff'd up angry, waiting for The Great Tribulation to start nut jobs. This includes my great-grandparents, my grandparents and my Mom and her siblings.

    Saying they were fulfilled and lived happy lives is like saying a Stepford Wife lives one.

    But, again, sorry for your loss.

  • Glander

    I think elderlite indulges himself in rude comments generally. It is a reflection of his personality. His tendancy to overkill is a reflection of his personality, and the fact the he is an elder makes him a strange bird indeed.

    e. lighten up.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    SMH at the jackass comparing the average JW to a Nazi or a slavedriver. SMH at the stupid mofo thinking the observation of a poster reflecting on their recently passed away relative made it open season to shit all over that person. Only on the internet, cuz you damn well you'd never express those sentiments in person for fear of catching a severe ass whoopin.

  • jookbeard

    TS , try to use your spell checker, you illiterate fool.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Jokebeard, Jukeballz, whatever your name is, or your alias, try to show some respect for the dead and more importantly those mourning them. I think I'm gonna have a drink tonight and toast to Ted Sallows and John Morley. They probably made the right decision considering your posts on this thread. Toodaloo..............

  • jookbeard

    TS; like I really GAF!

  • Etude

    I'm a bit late into this, but found all the discussion very interesting. It made me think how far back and how widely we would impose our blame on people to the point of not being forgiving. If anyone thinks for a minute that it's only the Jdubs that have caused so much pain and are therefore responsible as individuals, think again. If we apply that view everywhere, we would condemn with the same intensity the majority of the world's population who adhere to one belief or another, religious or not. Yes, it's likely that we all bear some responsibility for inflicting some pain on others, whether we realize it or not. In fact, I know that (if we were all ex-JWs), we will never shake our personal responsibility for the people we converted, or the people we shunned, or the people we so self-righteously condescended upon -- that means you jookbeard and anyone else who still blames those others that stayed in. We should condemn the act or belief and not the individuals.

  • neverscreamagain

    My condolenses for your loss Magwitch.

    I have known older ones that have been JW's for their entire life, but still let their true selves come out despite the rigid confines of the Org.

    They would have been wonderful people either way, in or out of the Watchtower.

    They were great influences for me, not because of being a JW, but in spite of it.

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