What's The Worst Thing About Being A Jehovah's Witness?

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldlightnewshite

    The worst thing is that time between waking up at 7.00 AM and going to bed at 11.00 PM

  • Elephant

    "It's unbelievable because these people are wrong so many times, it cannot be excused!"


    ...minimus, sure it can...just let it go...if you are not convinced of their 'doctrine' then look away...

    ...do you feel this way about, say...muslims? ...mormons?....buddhists? ...are THEY excusable? then why not jw's?

  • minimus

    No excuse for any of them!

  • oldlightnewshite

    I think most of us have only been exposed to one dangerous cult, so our experience is limited. I'm sure Muslims, Mormons and Buddhists are just as reprehensible in other ways.

    I'm not falling over myself to get involved in any other deluded religion. I have enough experience as a Dub.

  • jemba

    Never ending theocratic crap. Meetings, feeling obligated, fiend service, guilt, study, fear, donations, being answerable for all conduct, more meetings,assemblies,praying, elders on power trips, pretend love, being nice 3+ times a week to people you wanted to slap silly.

    Happiest people on earth even though most are depressed and on meds and in therapy.

    Ha ha Farkel plenty of dogs male and female. Actually Id call them bitches.

  • Phizzy

    The worst thing ? being looked upon as weird by everybody who is not a JW.

    And rightly so, boy, are they weird !

  • carla


    You sound like my jw. If you ever try to point out the false prophecies, false doctrines, destruction of families or innumberable other problems with jw's/wt he will say something to the effect, "I don't see you giving the Mormons, Muslims or Buddhists a hard time!" My response? 'yeah, well at the moment those religions have not made life a hell, the jw's have directly affected MY family and life". (Ok, maybe the Muslims have also affected life overall but not on such a personal level, and that would be another thread which I have no desire to start or add to anyway)

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    This is easy:

    You are taught to stop questioning and turn off any critical thinking skills. Being virtually born-in, I know I always had these skills, but they were denigrated by the literature, elders and R&F as "independent thinking" and a sign of weakness. Along with the anti-college stance, this is THE WORST THING because you don't stand a chance of ever getting out if you don't start questioning and thinking rationally.


    The guilt if you aren't doing "what you are supposed to be doing" i.e. if you miss a meeting you get the "how are you feeling?" at the next meeting. Its a religion that forces people to do what they want them to do by using guilt.

    Now, since I don't feel guilty, I do things to keep the other elders off my back. That too is stressful and no way reflecting what Jesus said "...load is kind and light.." They are the opposite of that. F'kin waste of time "religion"

  • 00DAD

    Believing you are right about everything important, when actually you are wrong.

    Then finding out the truth.

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