Finally! -- Why the WTS Discourages Higher Education

by Recovery 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    Recovery is in no man's land - even the Watchtower would be embarrassed by his shockingly brazen defense of men who abuse girls.

  • DilemmaGF

    I cannot comprehend what is in Recovery's mind at all. Maybe we don't understand him/her because some fools are beyond comprehension...

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    the only thing you made clear to me is that YOU are stupid

  • Phizzy

    The results of the WTS denying their young people a proper education are evident in Revovery's case, no Critical Thinking skills.

    The WT does not want their members to question or scrutinise anything it says or does, a Uni. education teaches you to question and test everything.

  • Sulla

    cagefighter's comment was really funny, though. I feel like that makes it all worthwhile.

  • NeverKnew

    Recovery asks, "Why are you so quick to scrutinize every WT article and every experience in the WT publications, but you can't take a realistic view of this case?"

    Oooh oooh *with my "worldly" hand in the air*

    Here's my answer:

    Because the WT articles and experiences aren't based on verifiable truth but the Conti case was won on hard evidence?!?!

    Did I get it right?!?

    Oh, wait.... maybe you're not using the Socratic method of teaching I learned about when I took that Philosophy class in college....

  • NeverKnew

    Steve 2 says, " Recovery is in no man's land - even the Watchtower would be embarrassed by his shockingly brazen defense of men who abuse girls."

    I was kinda thinking he could get a job at Bethel as a writing supervisor once the supervisor who originally believed Recovery wasn't qualified is terminated.

  • Knowsnothing

    I'll ask again, as others have asked, what does your rant about Candice Conti winning have anything to do with higher education? Your title is misleading; I was hoping you would address why the WTS really discourages higher education.

    What exactly is so "evil" about higher education? Do you realize complex societies require specialization? Do you think the computer you're typing on came from reading the Awake! or WT?

    If you are interested in looking at a balanced debate, why not try here?

    Our AnnOMaly kicked Dream_Weaver's butt. Recovery, what exactly are you concerned with here, legal liability your Org has to endure, or the protection of children?

  • QuestioningEverything

    I think the hallucinatory drugs can help her put it in "lamens terms" for everyone. It's LAYMAN'S terms. Seems like Recovery is a product of the WTBS policy on Higher Education---LOL.


  • tornapart

    He should join the GB as the new Freddy Franz

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