Should gays be allowed to adopt?

by Kenneson 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    Well of course all children come from hetero sexual parents! [8>]


  • Billygoat
    This is simply old prejedice hiding behind concern for children.

    Great point Naeblis! I totally agree!


  • joelbear

    Well of course all children come from hetero sexual parents!

    says Englishman

    They do?

    My friend John who is partnered to my friend Joe is exclusively homosexually oriented but bore two sons who live with their mother. Just as an exclusive heterosexual can shut their eyes and fantasize, so can an exclusive homosexual.

    Children are the result of sperm and egg joining. The sperm and egg have no clue what's going on in the mind of their sources.


  • Almost There
    Almost There


    You state that in your personal observation that something was missing from the homosexual parenting. What was missing?

    In my experience of homosexual parents (my cousin and former neighbors), they were wonderful parents. And I personally feel the kids have an advantage over children coming from heterosexual parents. They are not raised with bigotry. The can truly learn to accept people for who they are.

    I don't want to sound negative, but from you post I get the impression that you are not happy with yourself.

    And I know that being homosexual is hard because of the prejudices. But I would have to say that I REALLY would be alright if my child is homosexual. Because that is who they are, plain and simple. Because I am a mother of minority men, I understand being afraid of ignorant people. I say a prayer everytime I give my son the keys to my car. But I still would not want him to be any other way. So I just teach him how to overcome anything he may encounter.

  • dedalus

    I don't really like Rosie that much, but I was impressed by the interview, and the way she represented herself and the issues under discussion.

    Yes, gays should be allowed to adopt. And if being raised by gay parents increases the likelihood that the children may be gay, so what? Who cares?


  • JBean

    Interesting topic. I believe they should be allowed to adopt, as long as all the other requirements are met, too. Joel, you make some very thoughtful comments. I was surprised that if you had kids, you would prefer them to be heterosexual. For whatever reason, I always thought that if someone were gay, they would kind of like it that their child was gay. You know, build up the "ranks" or whatever. I don't know why I thought that, I just did. Even though you would say you have your problems or issues, from your comments, I belive YOU would make a very open and loving parent! : )

  • joelbear

    Hi Almost,

    I can't really put a finger on what was missing. Just my personal take. I am certainly outnumbered in my opinion when I discuss this issue with homosexual and/or liberal friends.

    I am unhappy with myself but it doesn't really have anything to do with my homosexuality.

    I didn't say people couldn't be "alright" with their children being gay. I think many parents are capable of being supportive to their exclusively homosexual children. I said that people would not "choose" for their children to be gay. I think someone making the statement that they would rather their child be exclusively homosexual would be at the minimum suspect in their truthfulness in regard to the issue.

  • joelbear


    Thanks for your kind words. I love kids and think I have much to teach them and say to them, but I don't think I would be a very good full time parent.

    I actually think the ideal family would be a husband wife kids, their fabulous gay uncle and their lesbian aunt. I think all 4 viewpoints come into play in life and that a child can benefit from all 4.


  • JBean

    Joel... I think you're right!!!! Haaaa! I'd love a family like that!!! Right out of Robbin William's "Birdcage"!!! : ) Wheee!

  • Almost There
    Almost There


    It's not about being alright or supportive of your child being gay. That is who they are. You do not have a choice, as well as the child had not a choice in being WHO they are. You must love your children, no matter what. So the only thing that I wish for my children is for them to be safe and HAPPY. I REALLY don't wish for them to chose a hetero or homo mate, as well as I don't wish which nationality, etc., but hope that they find someone who make them happy.

    And I hope you find happiness with yourself. From you post you come across as a person worthy of love. So start with yourself.

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