Best EZ 1 Liners to Say to Witnesses?

by LV101 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • bigmac

    "ooh--please DO come in---"

  • perfect1

    I dont need an intermediary. God speaks to me directly. But thank you for the offer.

  • nugget

    I am concerned that your faith is so fragile that you cannot speak to anyone or read anything critical of the religion. Any faith that cannot stand up to scrutiny or answer critics reies on the gulibility and control of it's members for it's existence. They are lucky to have you.

  • serein

    say what will happen to the good samararitan when paradise comes? will he die cos hes not a jw.

  • RubaDub

    Would you like to see my Talking Trouser Snake ?

    Rub a Dub

  • kurtbethel

    "How much of the $28 million legal settlement for child molesting the Watchtower has to pay will come out of donations you have made?"

  • Nambo

    Ask them to describe how wonderfull the 1922 assembly at Cedar Point Ohio was. (They must know, as its the fullfilment of Daniel, the best thing that will ever happen to mankind).

    Or you could say, "isnt it exciting how everyones going on about this "New World Order", the Watchtower must be constanly updating you on this fullfillment of Revelation 13"

    Or you could say, "Did they read John Chapter 6 at the Memorial this year?"

  • DesirousOfChange

    "Can you show me one scripture in the bible where God uses his Holy Spirit to communicate false information to his servants as a 'makeweight' until truthful information is conveyed at a later stage?

    CEDARS: That is GREAT!


  • Lied2NoMore

    "I was talking to jehovah the other day and he told me Armageddon has been cancelled....spread the word"

  • exwhyzee

    I guess I'm a little dense but I'm not clear what it is your're asking.

    If you are attanding a JW gathering and don't want any kind of confrontation but are pressed for reasons or answers, you can make up your mind to be as vague and elusive as you can without being rude. Be prepared to give the blankest looks you can muster and be comfortable with saying things like "Hmmm...I'm not sure.....or......It's .Hard to say for sure isn't it ?

    When pressed, I've said something to this effect.

    "Well....we both know this is a sensitive subject and I prefer to keep my thoughts on the matter to myself. I did a little homework and I discovered some things that I wasn't previously aware of before being baptized. The information is out there for anyone to see but I don't want to be accused of trying to lead anyone astray because that isn't the case at all.

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