A sure sign the End is Near....

by King Solomon 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    The end of the month, that is, and someone apparently needs to get their hours in...

    This resourceful JW (in the left side of the photo) set up shop for a few hours outside a local Starbucks, with a WT and Awake laid out on a table. and I I don't think he talked to anyone the whole time he was out there (a few hours).

    Sure beats all that walking from door-to-door, which would likely result in a bunch of not-at-homes on a weekday: most people are at work.

    (I approached him when entering, and asked him about the parable of faithful and "discreet" slave, and asked him what he thought the difference was between a parable and prophecy. After getting a non-answer (that basically meant he didn't know), I wished him a good morning and went on my way...

  • okage

    hilarious. in all definitions of the word.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Ksol- You're so bad!!!! And you even have the pictures to prove it!!!LOL

  • blondie

    On the campus here they can put up a table but they can't approach people. But if people approach the table and ask questions or ask about a publication, they can engage them in conversation.

    But street witnessing, that was an embarrassment watching jws standing like wooden Indians silently holding up magazines.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Blondie said:

    But street witnessing, that was an embarrassment watching jws standing like wooden Indians silently holding up magazines.

    This guy's no fool: he didn't even have to exert the labor of holding them up, by using that table.

    (BTW, those lines in the pix are from the decorative decals in the window of SB, promoting their Refreshers drink.)

    He had an interesting line after I approached him and spoke to him first; he said something like, "did I want magazines offering hope or encouragement?"

    The first thought that ran thru my mind was, what, do I look depressed or despondent, or without hope? From his body language (as seen in the photo), he seems a bit hopeless after being ignored (dare I say, even shunned?) by the general public who are "eating. drinking, being merry and slurping down Frapppuccinos" right in front of him without even offering him so much as a sip, or a glance). His whole general demeanor projected a bit of hopelessness, perhaps saddened that it's 2012 and he's still not petting lions in the New System, and dancing on the graves of those who ignored his warnings...

  • whathappened

    I'll be he is just too sick and tired of ringing doorbells at this point to go door to door anymore. Probably a born in who is lurking on this site!!! ;-)

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Unless I missed it, did he actually ever order anything? So the whole time he sat there at a Starbucks table outside, and ordered nothing? Just set up shop at an established business? The manager, clerks,etc. were ok with him doing this?

    By the way I'm fiending for a vanilla latte' after this thread.

  • BluesBrother

    He sure looks relaxed...or bored?

    From the picture it would suggest that he hasn't even bought a coffee! Do Starbucks allow him to freely sit and use their table to solicit?

    If I was doing it, the least I would need is a regular supply of Americano.....

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Theo Sed said

    Unless I missed it, did he actually ever order anything? So the whole time he sat there at a Starbucks table outside, and ordered nothing? Just set up shop at an established business? The manager, clerks,etc. where ok with him doing this?

    You and BB don't miss a detail: he never ordered anything, and even walked in to use the bathroom... I dunno if he felt like he was there "on-duty" and it wouldn't be appropriate to count it as time if he actually DRANK a beverage (i.e. if he was spotted by other JWs, who'd sneer).

    The employees are pretty chill at most SB and I've seen people come in and use free wi-fi without buying anything (which IS slightly rude, IMO: it's not a public library or park, etc, but a business which is supported by sales of product). Maybe that line of reasoning wouldn't occur to a JW (in college, everyone knew that you had to "rent" the table of a coffee place by buying stuff to keep the doors open). I dunno, maybe it's indicative of belonging to a religion based on what ultimately IS socialist, and encourages that sense of entitlement, being promised the entire World being handed to you by God....

  • Magwitch

    Another unenthused JW - he could well be a member on this forum :)

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