Leadership is missing among the xJWs!

by IslandWoman 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChristFollower


    There's an anti-JW tract here:


  • Farkel


    : I know the word, "organization" has a bad taste. But it is a fact of life that to get anything done on a grand scale in this world, good leadership and organization are a must.

    I first must confess that I have not read a single comment in this thread, so if I am redundant, you'll know why.

    Your assertion that "it is a fact of life that to get anything done on a grand scale in this world, good leadership and organization are a must" is not true: for axample, there are there are a rew folks who show your assertion to be wrong: Alan Feuerbacher, Kent Steinhaug, Normal Hovland, Jan Haugland, and Doug Checketts (whoever the heck HE is). How about Randy Watters and many others who care? None of these people have any back up or any "organiization" behind them. How about "John the Baptist?" No "organization, no "back-up." How about Mahatma Ghandi? No "organization" no "back-up."

    Or better yet, how about Jesus? According to all the Bible accounts, he was on his own.

    Your argument falls, IW.

    Thank you for sharing, though!


  • puzzled

    I nominate Flower for President of

    "The new world order of the Simons Inernet Faith"

  • Abaddon

    I think trying to organise xJW's is like trying to herd cats.

    It's a great idea, but a little difficult in practise, as, well, you know cats.

  • greven

    we should fight this organisation like terrorists.
    nothing good about terrorists but I mean the style, no big one against one big one but one big mean org against serveral very small ones. hit and run. guarilla tactics. very hard to counter as there is not one enemy to which you can direct all your force. we are a beehive. we do not need one leader. just to monitor events and strike together when the enemy is weak. no need for another organisation.

    "Fear is strange soil. Mainly it grows obedience like corn, which grows in rows and makes weeding easy. But sometimes it grows the potatoes of defiance, which flourish underground."
    -from "Small Gods" by Terry Pratchett-

  • gravedancer

    You can appoint all the leaders you like...I will not follow them and they will have no power over.

    I have no interest in trying to form an ANTI-JW organization and investing time or money into it. I have no internal yearning to belong to some formal collective.

    I am out for me and only me. I am a selfish piece of work and I like it that way.

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