"Reddit Atheism"

by botchtowersociety 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • botchtowersociety
    I will slaughter a baby sheep for you, BTS.

    Lamb is delish!

  • NewChapter

    The best part of any sacrifice is the feast afterwards.

  • Berengaria

    Darnit going totally off whatever the hell this topic is, but I made some awesome lamb chops recently. Fat little rib chops...........grilled with salt and pepper to perfection. Then a balsamic reduction with thinly sliced fresh figs, a spoonful of honey, and at the last moment a handful of chiffonade of fresh basil .


  • botchtowersociety
    The best part of any sacrifice is the feast afterwards.

    I usually sacrifice a whole pig for Christmas eve dinner.

  • NewChapter

    Sacrifice just isn't any good unless I get something out of it!

  • mrsjones5

    Dang Beks that's sounds so good.

  • dazed but not confused
  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    KS, I will not allow you determine how I participate on the forum, nor will I allow you to put words in my mouth.

    No worries there: you've managed to come up with words that make you look silly, all on your own....

    Protestations notwithstanding, you need to brush up on understanding something clearly before you respond. You jumped in half cocked and it just makes you look like a fool.

    Come now. I was responding to the subject of the original article, and if you feel the subject of th founder (Kent Hovind) of the Creation Museum does not explain why atheists MIGHT have reacted so strongly, then you don't know the history of the encounters. Kent Hovind (and his son, Eric) are no strangers to anyone who knows anything about the long-standing 'creation vs evolution' debate.

    So whether you or the author understands it or not, he stepped into the middle of a mine-field....

    So far, Darthfader, Maninthemiddle, NewChapter, Farkel, Palmtree, and Lore have been on topic. You have not. You lost the plot from the beginning.

    Check out the ego on BTS! Apparently you believe posting someone else's opinion entitles you to shoot down the information presented by others, without even needing to take a stance of your own, let alone looking into the relevant background facts that would help you understand facts needed to answer your own question.

    I know: that's the cool thing about posting thinly-veiled ad hominems as "discussions" since it's nothing more than taking a pot-shot that you: 1) don't have to own by hiding behind someone else's "opinion", and, 2) disguising all of it as a "discussion".

    Nice work, dude....

    Now can we get back on the subject? Please?

    Back on topic, you say? M'kay.

    Since you named the thread "Reddit Atheism", do you really need someone to suggest not sticking your head into the "Reddit Atheist" forum to read?

    Fact is, much like the current GOP with the back-firing tactics, these nasty hurtful mean-spirited Reddit atheists are only hurting their cause of saving others from the vast wasteland of religious beliefs, armed only with their uncomfortable science-based facts (speaking for those who's issue that is).

    The faithful theists (these guys: ) should rejoice to Heaven Above for having an example of the cruel words and actions of those EVIL AMORAL ATHEISTS, lackeys of Lucifer himself!

  • Berengaria
    Check out the ego on BTS! Apparently you believe posting someone else's opinion entitles you to shoot down the information presented by others without even needing to take a stance of your own, or looking into the relevant background facts that would help you understand factors needed to answer your own question.

    Now you've got it!!

    Notice his favorite new response, "Lulz". Implying extreme boredom, superiority .............................and lack of argument.

  • Prognoser
    Now you've got it!!
    Notice his favorite new response, "Lulz". Implying extreme boredom, superiority .............................and lack of argument.

    As opposed to your logical fallacies?

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