I wrote a D.A. letter

by snakeface 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • cog_survivor

    I'm not so sure it is such a mystery

    Someone probably woke up and said "Holy Snot! We're losing people! We need to try to get them back!" (Don't know if you saw the pew results that JWs have 37% retention rate)

    Then someone got up and gave a talk and said something about reaching out to these poor lost sheep. Suggests writing letters or contact.

    Snakeface, you probably seemed like an "easy one" since you didn't leave under a cloud or have anyone to snitch on you.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Don't the elders use form letters provided by WTBTS for any D/F & D/A occasion?

  • snakeface

    All these years I saw no reason to communcate with them. I am not accountable to them. My main reason for writing was to advise them to stay off my property. Now they have been notified in writing; therefore my next step can be to call the police if they show up.

    Had I not written the letter, let's suppose I call the police on them. The elders could tell the police they are ministers calling on an inactive member. The police probably feel a property owner should first tell unwanted visitors to leave before calling the police.

    But now if I call the police, the police can tell them, "Look, this person has notified you in writing that he is no longer a member, that he does not want to receive "visits", and he has advised you to stay off his property..." The elders would have nothing to say in reply.

    I am sure that all these years they viewed me as inactive. Maybe a new CO came along and told them to make calls on the inactive ones...maybe it would help fill the contribution box if some of these lost sheep were led back to the fold. Now I wonder what they will report back to the CO.

  • snakeface

    Oh, yeah I was never counseled for anything or disciplined or reproved. I had "privileges" and was giving talks on the platform. Now I remember, I was asked to take the group out in service Saturday. Saturday I did not show up...maybe the group did not either. I just never went back. No one called me at the end of that month to get my field service time. In fact I still have a territory card somewhere in the house. It's as if they just forgot I existed.

    Anyway, now they have been told not to come on my property. And now that they know I DA'd myself years ago they probably won't want to give me invitiations to the assemblies/memorial etc anyway.

  • blondie

    snakeface, I would check into what the laws and requirements are regarding "no trespassing" perhaps checking the police first to make sure you have the legal basis for them act in place first. Minimum contact at our end for 10 years. I think a new CO comes in all het up to follow the WTS policy on calling on df'd or inactive once a year. That happens about every 3 years here, times in with the drop in call.

  • WTWizard

    I wonder if, if you don't wish to be Christian, wearing a baphomet would do the job. Place a few point-down pentagrams around the place, get a Ouija board out, and tell whoever witless that next shows up if they would like to dedicate their souls to Father Satan with you. Having a few black candles set up, along with a burning bowl, should do the trick nicely.

    And around Christmas time, having the Christmas tree decked to the hilt is a good start. Go out and put a Santa on the roof, rig up as many C9 bulbs in red and green (LEDs are best because they are more reliable, safer, more energy efficient, and you can run more of them off a circuit), decorate your bushes and trees, and have a few inflatables on your front lawn along with the biggest wreath you can find. You may also outline the windows with more LED lights (red and green alternating are best), and put a huge wreath on the wall. When the witlesses show up to give you littera-trash, pull out some Christmas music and invite them in for a good listen while you turn on the lights on your Christmas tree.

  • snakeface

    Thanks Blondie. Actually, if 1 or 2 elders were to stop by I actually would not call the police and I would not throw them off the property.I would not be hostile; I would just tell them I have nothing to discuss. I prefer that they and the publishers just don't bother coming by and leaving tracts etc.

    However, in my letter I've asked them not to come by so that they don't start planning to get aggressive, bringing by CO's, elders, and others to try to get me to come back. In a sense I'm telling them, "What we've been doing all these years is fine with me. You've ignored me and I've ignored you. No need to start calling on me now. Let sleeping dogs lie."

  • outsmartthesystem

    I'll bet they had a recent CO visit and he harped on finding those "lost sheep".

    I've been MIA for over a year now. No elders have bothered to contact me. But one self righteous asshole MS did leave me a voice mail that said "I noticed you haven't been to teh hall for about 3 months now. Was it anything I did? Was it something someone else did? Are you mad at Jehovah? Please call me back. You need help. Things aren't right in your head"

    I thought.....wow. What a touching message. I wanted to punch him in the throat

  • snakeface

    Outsmart, that sounds so loving of that MS to let you know where the problem lies. Surely it's not them. And it took him 3 months to notice you weren't there? No wonder these people cannot see thru the GB's lies!

  • snakeface


    I'm at work, but I answered my cell because I'm expecting a call from a friend regarding the toga party we're going to (by plane) this weekend.

    The elders would have gotten my letter Wednesday. They are at the convention today. The caller was a brother (not a MS, just a publisher) calling to see if I was alright. He said there are rumors going around about me. I said, "That's nothing new." Then I told him I'm at work and have to go. He said OK, but he heard that "the evildoer" got me. I said "Yep." and hung up. I should have said, "Yep. Satan got me by the damnBALLS!" ha ha ha

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