Letter from my mother

by Las Malvinas son Argentinas 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I've been officially disowned. Translated from the original:

    "My daughter,

    I am ashamed to call you that. You have given me no other choice. I look at your life and I find it disgusting. You have brought a shame on our family and on Jehovah's people. You are an irritating woman and I will not take this abuse any more. When I saw you at Héctor's gathering, I did the polite thing and ignored you. I hoped you would just go away and not embarrass us any further. But your shame is there for all of us to see. You don't know this, but I went outside and wept. Don't you see what effect you have on your mother? I am too old for this! Have you no respect for your family? Why did you appear where you knew other Jehovah's Witnesses were going to be? Where are your friends you speak of that live in the city? They have placed you in the difficult situation you are in, not us! The Brothers told me that you were texting when I saw you last at the Kingdom Hall. Is this another joke of yours? You are not serious about making things right. I am not serious when it is about you. No more of this for me! You can become your father's problem when you leave. This is preferable to me. Armageddon is coming soon and I will not watch you be destroyed. You know what you need to do to regain your family, but you are selfish and will not do anything inconvenient to yourself. I am cutting all connections with you. I would love to see my grandchildren, but not in this way. It is your brothers' decisions whether or not to contact you. I have already informed them of my thoughts. I will not be anywhere you are. Not until you make all your apologies and be serious about Jehovah. You know what you did."

  • cofty

    That is terrible. I am so sorry, it must hurt even when we understand the reasons for a parent's cruel actions.

    The best revenge is to live a happy life.

  • Messerschmitt

    It breaks my heart to see family treat their own like that! It is just sick!!!!!

    Hang in their and don't let their vulgar attitudes destroy the joys that you have in life.

    I send you me best wishes to You!

  • dreamgolfer

    is Las Malvinas the same as Falkland Islands?

  • leavingwt

    You deserve better.

  • cofty

    dreamgolfer - not now!

  • blondie

    I take it that there were several non-jws in attendance. If that is the case, and they aren't shunning, jws just have to grow up and realize that non-jws are not subject to the rules of jws and should not be forced to be. If she was not comfortable then she had the choice to leave. She sounds like the older son in the parable of the prodigal son.

    How did the non-jws there feel, did they say anything?


  • dgp

    Malvinas, don't look back. It hurts but she's wrong and you know it.

  • whathappened

    Go make a good life for yourself. I know it is difficult, but you must move on.

  • nugget

    This is all about her and how she feels with no acknowledgement of how you feel. It is sad that this religion has such a poinsonous effect on those that practice it.

    A Parent is there to nuture and support their children and help them through the tough times, this letter basically says she absolves herself of her parental responsibilities.

    I am sorry she felt the need to write it, it does her no credit.

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