Email from my grandmother yesterday.

by elder-schmelder 63 Replies latest jw experiences

  • elder-schmelder

    Here is an email that my grandmother sent me yesterday.

    Shawn, It's very difficult & sad to come to this decision, but because of your attitude towards the truth & us personally (thinking that we are stupid) we're going to treat you as a disfellowshipped person from now on. Actually, you're worse than them because usually they know they have not kept their oath to Jehovah & don't speak abusively of the organization and don't turn apostate. Maybe, you should do some research & find out what happens to the apostates. How are you going to feel when we cut you out from our will & your share is going to go to the Society where 99.99999999% is going for worthwhile causes, such as Bibles, & Bible-based publications, disaster relief, etc.? This is what we're going to do until such time you come to your senses. This is much more worthwhile than supporting gambling & cigarettes, etc. Grandpa supports me in this decision.

  • PaintedToeNail

    elder-That was an interesting email. Threats of disinheriting you. If their estate is substantial, could you possibly force a court review, to check their state of mind. The state may be interested to see if they are being taken advantage of by JW's, the high control/cult thing.

    I'm sorry that they feel that way about you.

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Wow. If there was a hell, your grandparents would have first class tickets.

    Sorry about your loss, but it sounds like they have the nazi syndrome and are following their leader, the watchtower, wherever it takes them - no matter how dark the destination.


    The Oracle

  • Londo111

    She is essentially blackmailing you to come back to the organization with material incentives. I am so sorry.

    I suspect this is what will happen to me.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "your share is going to go to the Society where 99.99999999% is going for worthwhile causes"

    I'm afraid grandma has 'lost it'. I'd forward the email to my siblings and cousins and warn them not to mention to grandma that Watchtower has lost a multimillion dollar lawsuit for failing to protect children from pedophiles. If they mention such facts to her, grandma will also disinherit them so that her estate can go to such "worthwhile causes."

  • out4good3

    I guess the biggest question is, is her "estate" big enough to even be bothered with?

  • hoser

    Oh the control games some people play! So imagine if you did recant and go on your hands and knees begging the congregation for forgiveness and they accepted you back.

    So now gramma and gramps gonna put you back in the will? No! They just might find some more hoops for you to jump through. How come your not pioneering, a ms or elder bla bla bla.

    It might never end and at inheritance day when the will is finally read and it reads 100% to the watchtower society, just how pissed off will you be then? I know it happens when the old folks give all to the WT$ and cut out their jehovahs witness children.

    If she thinks that 99.999999999% goes to worthwhile causes just show her that her money will go to pedophile payouts or new spas for the GB. (she probably won't believe you anyway)

    If you are young enough there are still opportunities to build your own wealth. University, bust your ass working overtime and socking away money for your old age but I believe that you are on your own my friend just like the rest of us.


  • turtleturtle

    While I don't personally believe that a Christian should smoke, this is emotional/financial blackmail. If I were you, I would find a good paying career (unless you already have one) and tell your gramdma "Do what you feel is best". Don't let people use money against you!

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Good point Billy.

    If her math is right, the watchtower would be spending hundreds upon hundreds of trillions of dollars on bibles and watchtowers each year. We know this isn't the case.

    30 million dollars to spend because of stupid child molester protection policies does not comprise 0.00000001% of their total operating budget.

  • undercover

    Ah, bribery... the last refuge of a cultist. If dying at Armageddon won't scare you back, then maybe money will entice you to be a good little cult member...

    No thanks, Grandma... I'd rather be poor and free instead of a slave with money I can't enjoy (gambling and cigarettes). Not to mention that money in the imminent new system is about as valuable as Confederate bonds were after the War Between the States ended.

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