Tina - Put up, or shut up!

by Amazing 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julie

    Wow. Classic kick them while they are down. Very Brave of You Amazing.

    How it must hurt to harbor such slights for such interminably long times, I am truly sorry that every slight you may incur on this DB is so monumental to you (let's face it, this took you some time and effort--explains a lot). I am also sorry that your life is such that you have room for these small items in the forefront. Must be a rather sad world there for you. My sympathies. Even though your attempt to strike your target at such a time speaks volumes of you and none of it's good.

    You're quite a specimen.

    Still waiting for Refiner's opinion in another thread, if he replies after tonight I'll miss it.

    Julie, who wonders if Simon will count this thread as "trying to provoke Tina into getting deactivated if she chooses to stay" and thinks he should as it is so blatant

  • 25ashitaka25

    Imagine if society as a whole still deemed pistol duels ok?

    What fun. Just buy me a popcorn and a coca-cola, along with some cheese fries.

    Almost the same as these threads, except in this version, I'm drinking beer and lusting after the cheese fries down the street at the kick-ass italien joint.

  • Amazing


    "Wow. Classic kick them while they are down. Very Brave of You Amazing."

    You have no room to talk. After I said my "farewell" you kept on posting about me, kicking me when I was down and out. You are a hypocrit. Now, when 'what goes around comes around,' you are all of a sudden stricken with a conscience. Now, that you little friend is exposed, you are not dealing with the issues, oh no, you just moan and complain ... boo hoo ... poor Julie.

  • VeniceIT

    Grabs the seat next to ashitaka!!!! oppps sorry about spilling your popcorn.

    HEY I thought we were coming to see Movie or something what is this???

    Hey are Ben Affleck or Josh Hartnett gonna be it???? just wondering!


    "Injustice will continue until those who are not affected by it are as outraged as those who are."

  • gravedancer

    please guys stop this.....please it's not making anyone feel any better.

    Why don't you all just pick on me instead.

    I am a dumb ugly fuck-face!@!!!!!!

  • 25ashitaka25

    Venice....whomever you wish can be in this one...just remember...one of them takes a bullet, so make the person who gets it....Mr. T or something

  • larc


    You complain when people don't post and complain if they do post. If they post often you and Tina call it stalking. If they don't answer you right away, you keep reminding them. So, no matter what some posters do, they are wrong.

    You say that this incident is minor and therefore, Amazing shouldn't address it. I see this as damning evidence as to the character of your pal, Tina.

  • Julie

    Well Amazing,

    As I have told you more than once in e-mail, I have absolutely no interest in rehashing the whole Amazing/Amnesian debacle. If you want to obsess over stuff that happened months ago that is your business. Besides, what sort of reply could you possibly be satisfied with other than a "loooooooong" reply with many quotes and lengthy argument? Frankly I missed half of the arguments you cite, have no interest in looking them up, pouring over them and constructing a rebuttal to your post to Tina. Sorry dude but I have too much real life for that. You apparently have that sort of time. Good for you. If it's that important to you have at it.

    As to this:

    :You have no room to talk. After I said my "farewell" you kept on posting about me, kicking me when I was down and out.

    YOU???? The Great Amazing "down and out"?????? Oh come now. It was nothing remember? Didn't you later boast how it was nothing to you and you just pretty much blew it off for the time being? If I recall correctly I was basically explaining my assertions to your defenders once you'd left. Imagine it however you like Amazing, I wasn't starting threads trying to provoke you or defame you. In fact, weren't *you* starting the majority of the threads???

    :You are a hypocrit.

    No Amazing, this is an entirely situation.

    :Now, when 'what goes around comes around,' you are all of a sudden stricken with a conscience.

    Ooooh, you infer that I previously had no conscience. Conscience about what? Calling you, individual to individual on your posts? You were free to reply effectively and refute all my points but for some reason did (could?) not. I don't have the authority to deactivate someone and did not publically make a threat to deactivate while reproving an individual for a general behavior commonly practiced. Do you see the difference Amazing or do you only see your own never-to-be-healed slight?

    :Now, that you little friend is exposed, you are not dealing with the issues, oh no, you just moan and complain ... boo hoo ... poor Julie.

    Well Amazing, as I have said countless times to you publically and privately I will not rehash the A/A debacle with you and, like I mentioned in this post, I didn't read the exchanges you cite and wouldn't waste the time on the endless project it would surely be. If Tina is so inclined, which I suspect she'll be deactivated anyway, she can do her own. I've got too much real life and not enough interest in your old, harboring-for-life issues.

    As to moaning and complaining, well I merely said I thought it rather nasty to post this at the time. It even smells a lot like bait. No boo hooing for me, I am not emotionally involved in the least. When I wake up tomorrow this place will merely be a place I share laughs about in the future with some of the great friends I have made.

    Good to get this one last glimpse through your transparency though.

    You all have a nice life now--
    Julie, who has confirmed much on this last day re-visit to ol' JWD

  • Amazing


    "Frankly I missed half of the arguments you cite, have no interest in looking them up, pouring over them and constructing a rebuttal to your post to Tina."

    yes, yo0u love to feign this so-called indifference ... but what you are really doing is speaking about thisng you clearly admit you know nothing about ... you admit you don't read half of something.

    No one is obsessing over something that ended, not months ago ... but in January, about 6 or 7 weeks ago ... the issue dear, is that when you and your little friend are on the receiving end, you all of a sudden don't like it ... tough. You make things up to say, just to say something, but you don't specifically address issue ... same old Julie ... lots of talk and rehtoric, and very short on substance.

  • Julie

    It's ok Amazing,

    You just say what you have to cause you and I know what's important right? How'd that go again? As long as your "credibility and reputation are still intact big whoop", right? Yeah something like that. You just keep working on the image there, you and Larc can hold each other's hands (or whatever).

    I got midnight here Cowboy so I'm goin' off into the sunset, not to return after the repugnant events of today's revisit (why am I not surprised you played a part in it??). Hope you some day realize it's not all about you but I won't hold my breath.

    Good luck carrying those hefty chips on your shoulder for the rest of your life, bet they are getting HEEEAVYYY.

    Julie, who realizes how fortunate she is to have such a rich, full Real Life, unlike some

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