Anonymous Message to Watchtower

by jwleaks 343 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Interesting. . .

  • yalbmert99

    Super nice work!

  • jemba

    cool keep us informed.

  • stuckinamovement

    I am sure that the files are electronic. I remember talking to an attorney in legal and a brother in the service depts about a case and they both had the same information quickly. If memory serves me right I could hear typing as I talked. The records are undoubtably electronic. In this day and age with the amount of pedophiles in the org it would be too onerous to keep them on paper and continually make amendments as the sicko moves around.

    My 2 cents


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I know when I was calling Bethel three years ago over the pedophiles in the hall I went to Bethel clearly indicated there was list.

    I sent the PUBLIC court records of one of the child molesters to Bethel and then spoke to a brother in the writing department. The brother I spoke to had defiantly read them from his verbal communication with me. It seemed that they were going to keep the court records on file somewhere was the clear impression he gave me.

    The matter got turned over to the service department and they were not near as nice, kind, or caring as the writing department. In fact they were just down right jerks toward me about my being upset over pedophiles going door to door. But I am sure they kept the records as one of the attorneys I spoke to at Bethel told me over and over that the elders are independent agents when I asked what would happen if one of the pedophiles they send door to door molested a kid at some home. The attorney at Bethel just kept saying the elders are independent agents over and over. He would not answer my question if Bethel would stand behind the elders if a child was molested. I asked him at least six or seven times and he just kept repeating over and over the elders are idependent agents. It was truly creepy.


  • Diest


    I think the 23k number comes from the Conti Lawsuit. Should be interesting if this is actually a legitimatepart of Anonymous.

    This is the non mirrored video. This is on one of Anon's channels.

  • Quendi

    From what others have posted, it would appear there is a list of pedophiles which WTS headquaters maintains. If that is the case, then the Society would find that such a list cannot be kept confidential under the penitent privilege since more than two people (the penitent and his spiritual adviser/confidant) have knowledge of a particular episode. One can only wonder why the WTS would create such a database in the first place. Its existence puts the organization in the same place as the Penn State officials who knew of Sandusky's pedophilia and did absolutely nothing--not even talking to him directly--to stop him.

    They have got to be worried in Brooklyn. Developments in the Sandusky scandal show how quickly the tide can turn against even the most beloved and favored public figures; and there is no way the WTS is as highly regarded and respected as the late Joe Paterno was. The only hope the Society can have is that the story remains under wraps even if SCOTUS ultimately rules against it. After all, SCOTUS hears dozens of cases every year and very few ever gain any publicity. If the Conti case is resolved the same way, the WTS will have escaped by the skin of its teeth. If not, the Armageddon it has been awaiting may finally arrive--to the Society's own undoing.


  • Quendi

    One other thing which occurs to me is that the WTS will certainly not change its policy of coverup and silence about pedophiles in the congregation until the Conti case is fully litigated and the Society has lost. So the orgaqnization will remain silent, knowing there are dangerous monsters in its congregations, some of whom have full "privileges" and unrestricted contact with children. In the meantime, just as happened at Penn State, that silence will result in other children being assaulted. That is inevitable. What further angers me is the knowledge that some Witnesses will remain in association with the organization despite its aiding and abetting these men. Yet, when the shoe is on the other foot, the Society's officers move to disfellowship without batting an eye. It's sickening to realize that many Witnesses will not condemn this execrable organization no matter what it does or does not do.


  • mrsjones5


  • Kojack57

    I'm glad that ANONYMOUS is making a stand. This corrupt WB&TS needs to be brought to its knees. It's sins have amassed clear up to heaven and continue to grow. Hopefully with the recent Penn State pedeophile case the world will start to take notice and stamp this UGLY MONSTER KNOWN AS THE WATCHTOWER OUT OF EXISTANCE. We have to stand up for our children.


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