How Did You Become An Atheist?

by NewChapter 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • ammo

    Don't take offence MC,

    NC had basically said she had solved the puzzle, I just think its interesting that if you've got it all worked out why would you spend so much time on a board like this, with well lets be honest clearly questionable people, in regards to their sanity.

    Than again I am probably speaking out of turn seen as some posters are allowed to insult and question wherever and whenever and jump in and give their 2 cents worth, while others are ridiculed just for expressing their thoughts. Obviously I'm not upto speed with the 'rules of the board' its no 'attack' on you MC I too understand what you're saying, the starvation, poverty really gets too me, and sooo many things are wrong that one would question God if that is in fact even the word to use for hoping in a higher energy, I am starting to believe as long as you try to 'MAN' up to the essential voice we all have, only than can we find a peace, whether it be of mind, body or soul. Thats just my thoughts on it all.

  • NewChapter

    LOL MRM---that was something I was always told---Sometimes you can't see how god is blessing you until you look back on it. WELL YEAH! Fact is we make it through most of our trials--one way or another. When we don't, we are dead and can't look back. So we look back seeking the blessings, and we are open to complete confirmation bias where we will redefine everything == bad and good---as a blessing, because afterall, I made it through! God is so wise he knew when NOT to help, and it all worked out in the end.


  • ammo

    And I just read your last reply NC to me, thanks for being reasonable in your reply, it helps people like me to open my head and heart more to what you're saying.



  • NewChapter

    NC had basically said she had solved the puzzle, I just think its interesting that if you've got it all worked out why would you spend so much time on a board like this, with well lets be honest clearly questionable people, in regards to their sanity

    It's okay if you find it interesting that I spend time here. Obviously I get something from it, and it may not be what you think. We each spend our energy doing what makes sense to us. Perhaps I like being a sane voice for the new ones coming here with questions. Perhaps I like to let them know that if they question God's existence, they are not alone and they are not defective. In that way, I repay what I got from this board.

    Edited because you addressed it.

  • snare&racket

    Think of who Jehovah or God was to you, the personality, the individual.... maybe the person looking after you from over your shoulder or stood beside or before you.

    Now list al his attributes, write them down. Describe the person he is and the kind of things he defends and loves, the horrid things he detestes.

    Describe him as the person he is to you.

    I am deadly serious, do this.

    Then start at Genesis 1 and keep going all the way, all the way through.

    By Psalms you realise that the two people are not the same. So where did th ideas of these two people originate?

    Now its time to get out the history books, egypt, summeria and beyond.

    If you follow the above advice, you will return an atheist. I am sad that this is the case too, but the truth doesnt care for what feels good....sadly.

    Snare x

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    @MC RubberMallet: I too wonder about all the bad things going on. It does make me mad and it does not seem make sense to me, however I too see the wonder in nature and I really just can't believe it all came about by accident. I certainly do not want to preach nor to I wish to start a athiest vs design debate. I am not interested in that at all.

    I would like to share with you something that has helped me a little for what it is worth. There are two podcasts that I listen to from time to time that try to offer answers to these type of questions. The answers are not all ra-ra yaaaa for the bible, the are well thought out answers by well educated men who have made (at least what they feel) is a rational decsion to believe in intelligent design. You may find them interesting.

    The two that I like are:

    1. RZIM - Helping believers think and thinkers believe

    2. Reasonable Faith

    The thing I like about these is that they do not speak at the kindergarden level like the WTBS does. I also like that on the RZIM podcast there are question and answer sections where the speaker takes questions from students in major universities. These students do ask the hard questions (including why there is suffering) and the speaker does his best to answer them. It is such a nice change from the WTBS who just hides from the hard questions and expects everyone to believe whatever they say just because they say it.

    If others reading this post disagree, that is fine with me really, I do believe everyone should have the right to believe as they want to. I am simply sharing this because I too feel similar to "MC RubberMallet"

  • ammo


    I really can understand that, what I would really like to know from you, and I mean this respectfully is do you feel a more complete person now in your conclusion, I sometimes feel when I read your posts that you are very angry at what some posters believe, I would like to consider all avenues, although personally I think we could all be debating this till the cows come home and get no where, however to be 'fair' one must look at all sides with an open mind, I guess I just find aetheists to be very confrontational and accusing - quick to condemn, did you change once you realised/accepted/reasoned there was no god, or did it make you a more in a way angry because of your conclusion. Sorry if it seems a simple question or transperant in answer, I guess I want to know how you really feel on it. It helps me to understand you more as a person instead of NC the atheist -full stop

    Sorry I'm a slow typer and we are probably 5 pages on from this now.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Thinking about prayer was a real light bulb moment for me.

    Ask yourself - How does prayer WORK? I mean the actual mechanics and physics of what is supposedly going on when you pray.

    It takes 8 minutes for the light from the sun to reach earth at 300,000km per second. How does prayer work? Just thinking about this point and the problems it posed was enough to realise all was not well with belief.

    Yes, you can wriggle and squirm and fudge and postulate about possible answers to this, but there's no getting away from the difficulties it poses.

  • NewChapter

    I really can understand that, what I would really like to know from you, and I mean this respectfully is do you feel a more complete person now in your conclusion

    Absolutely. I can accept all of me, instead of trying to suppress who I am. There is no cosmic balance sheet, or person in my brain weighing my every motivation. In fact, this is the most complete I have felt in my entire life. It took a lot of work to suppress my curiosity and critical thinking. Now I've given myself permission to experience all of me, and it is a great relief.

    I sometimes feel when I read your posts that you are very angry at what some posters believe,

    Sometimes there is anger, but maybe not for the reasons you think. I had just watched several friendships (real friendships) be torn apart because of the way that believers were motivated. It did make me angry. I also get angry because I live in an area where religious people are gaining political power and trying to enforce their moral code on all, while denying civil rights to others. I also get angry when I witness children being held in ignorance because of their parents. It angered me to watch the video of that Muslim woman being shot to death for 'adultery' (details unclear) while the crowd smiled and praised their god. I see an awful lot of negatives, even among the more liberal believers. But watching friendships disintegrate put me in an especially bad mood.

    I also got irked when some very personal things were said about me, to make points, and to watch other defend that. If God speaks---no holds barred.

    I guess I just find aetheists to be very confrontational and accusing - quick to condemn, did you change once you realised/accepted/reasoned there was no god, or did it make you a more in a way angry because of your conclusion.

    I'm sure there is some of that. Impatience maybe. But the narrative seems to be that atheists are always the aggressive ones, and the believers are the vicitims of our wrath. This simply is not true. I have been called quite a few names by believers, but this is brushed off. I don't call names. Many insults are delivered in a candy coated wrapping---passive/aggressive---which gives the other person plausible deniablity. I do tend to be direct, and that can sound hostile. But you don't have to guess. I say what I mean, and I accept it can put some people off. I will not wrap up like a gift and then demand you thank me for it. Take some time---break down some of the comments---reevaluate them. I think you may learn some things that you didn't see at first. I see them, because I am often on the receiving end so often---you kind of develop a sense. Anyway. It's there.

    And also---I have been told by a number of people, in RL, that I am going to burn forever in hell. Even strangers, empowered by their beliefs, feel they have the right to threaten me, a stranger, with eternal torment. So I won't deny the anger---but take a look and see how it is playing out.

    I'm not sure how an atheist that speaks out can avoid confrontation. Think about it. People were much happier when we stayed quiet---because our ideas ARE confrontational. There is no way around that. We are 'confronting' the beliefs of the majority. Because we tend to be direct (at least from what I have seen) it can feel like an attack. For a believer, they are emotionally married to their beliefs---confront their beliefs and you confront them.

    But there are times when some things can be toned down, and I and others don't always choose to do it. Frustration is my prevailing emotion--not anger. I'm sure they sound the same in a post.


  • NewChapter

    LOL---and Ammo---I'm sorry because I am a very fast typist! I can easily overwhelm someone on this type of forum.

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