quick build fun

by outsmartthesystem 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • outsmartthesystem

    How many of you have ever worked on a quick build? Here's a good one. I am a professional pencil pusher by nature.....but many years ago I decided I would volunteer at quick builds so I could help "build a house for Jehovah". Evidently he is homeless in many areas. Anywho......I was accepted onto the drywall crew. So I show up on Saturday. I receive about 15 minutes of training and the next thing I know I am cutting and hanging drywall. The sad thing was......after lunch we re-convened. Aside from the ring leader......our drywall crew consisted of 8 people. Guess who had the most experience of the crew? Yup. Me. 15 minutes of training and 4 hours of work under my belt. But wait. It gets better. Sunday morning I show up and the coordinator says "where are my dry wall folks?". Me and about 5 others raise our hands. He then asks "do any of you have any experience?" I was the only one to raise my hand. At that time I had 15 minutes of training and 8 hours under my belt. He then said "Great! Here's your crew!" Yup. Saturday morning......I was a beginner. By Sunday morning....I was foreman.

    It must have been Jehovah's blessing. I mean...how else do you explain climbing the artisan ladder so quickly? It couldn't have been that they were desperate!

    Any other ridiculous quick build stories out there?

  • leavingwt

    Further evidence of Jehovah's blessing.

  • 3rdgen

    Outsmart, Yes I have a doozie! I posted it a couple of hrs ago on the thread "What was your most disturbing bethel experience?" Checkit out and let me know what you think. OK?

  • ldrnomo

    I worked on a few. They were extremely inefficient operations. So many working on them don't know what they're doing so what would take one person 1 hour to do it took 3 people 3 hours to do. And they all talk too much when they should be working somebody comes by to visit them and they stop what they're doing and talk for a half hour.

    Nice to have you back LW I missed you

  • FlyingHighNow

    I helped lay brick, Lol. I also helped shovel gravel until they found out I was pregnant and they made me stop. I also helped pull pork for a pig we roasted. Yummmmy. Edit: you know, that sounds dirty. But we call it pulled pork down south, when you literally pull the meat off the bone for bbq.

  • outsmartthesystem

    Holy moly 3rdGen. That's better than mine. He did meth? Did he show up the next day all strung out? I think he would've made a nice addition to "Bethel". Honestly.....with 2,000+ people at "Bethel".....I guarantee there is someone that is currently seeing an "escort". There are undoubtedly some gay brothers. There are probably some swingers. A lot of alcoholics etc etc.

    I think Bethel is just like everywhere else.....just.....the average JW can't fathom such a thing

  • FlyingHighNow

    Who remembers when it was 1 day KH building projects? I was unimpressed when they reduced it to a measly three days, LOL.

  • outsmartthesystem

    Now it's about 4 weeks, I think

  • Glander

    I think it is trying to evoke the old community barn raising experience. Maybe on that level it works. I also know of bad feelings and fallout from the intense interaction. If one brother keeps cutting expensive lumber incorrectly and another brother is donating the lumber....

    Quick builds require the cooperation of the local authority to be on hand to inspect each permitted section of construction as soon as it is completed so it can be buried or covered by sheetrock, etc. In normal construction this requires schedules that suit the inspector.

    I started a thread here on normal KH construction a few years ago. My experiences with KH construction were not bad. We ran into some issues with injuries and I imagine they are now including liability insurance as part of the cost.

  • 3rdgen

    My ex worked on many quick builds and was very well liked. He was funny and outgoing-a real life of the party type guy. I had no idea he was a meth user bc he was always upbeat and energetic from the moment we met. He fooled EVERYONE except the other Bro's who were like him. He worked on a quick-build near the state line and he and the other bro with him went to the BROTHEL then showed up the next day for the WT study like nothing had happened.

    When he got home he told me all about how bad the weather had been (sub-zero) and I actually felt sorry for him. I didn't know that he found a creative way to keep warm!

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