My email to my mother - sorry a bit long

by darthweef 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • simon17

    I'm sorry for you situation and this predictable result. Hopefully you find a fulfilling life with or without them, unhindered by concerted efforts by people and organizations to conceal truth, understanding, and exploration from your life.

    BTW, Your mom is actually a pretty good writer. Given her unwavering position and resolve, she nuanced that response quite perfectly.

  • darthweef

    I won't burden this forum with a running back and forth between my mother and I, especially since I won't be responding to anymore emails, and I doubt that she will either.

    However, these were the answers that I sent to her questions.

    And what have you gained by all this time spent on "research"? The Truth. Not as it was spouted several thousand years by men who wrote a religious book, but as it has been laid out for mankind to discover for the last 4.5 billion years. That Truth has opened my eyes to the possibility of what, not only myself, but the rest of humanity is capable of if we only shuck off the confines of superstition and harmful beliefs that are founded in ignorance.

    Does your current thinking give you anything more than the knowledge that you have no Creator? See the above question, but I would like to address the underlying tone of this question. I did not go out in search of answers that would justify my “desires” or to destroy the concept of a creator in my mind. To be honest, I do not consider myself to be an atheist, since the answer of whether God exists or not is not something that has been answered. I do not, however, believe in the god of the bible, nor do I feel that the writings of that book will ever do anything overtly beneficial for mankind. In fact, I think we can all agree that the allegiance to that philosophy has ruined more then a few lives.

    Does it help you dismiss the future?
    On the contrary, it makes me embrace the future. I am so excited to see what is going to come over the next 20, 30, 40 years. What advancements in science will I get to see in my lifetime, will other forms of life be discovered, etc etc. The future is no longer limited by a mystical day of wrath that will wipe all the life away .. Again. I spent most of childhood being taught that life that didn’t matter, cause Armageddon was coming anyway. Doing well in school – unimportant ( cause I wouldn’t see graduation anyway). Learning how to properly manage finances – unimportant ( cause I’ll never be old enough in this system for it matter). College – unimportant (Why would want to put anything ahead of kingdom interests?) ... In fact, It’s taken me 2 years to get over the idea that I can be fat and lazy cause it doesn’t matter, Jehovah will just correct all that in the New System.

    I am much happier with the future I see before me now.

    Have you focused so much on the science that you forget the Biblical prophesies and other aspects of the Bible that make it Divine? I’d be happy to discuss this with you, at anytime. While the majority of my focus has been on the idea of answering the question of evolution or creation, and the flood account, I am happy to look at the evidence of biblical prophecy, although I feel that now that the foundation of the “accuracy” of the bible has been removed there is really no point.

    What's your goal? My goal is to understand the world around me, and find my place in the universe. The bible, and specifically Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs, demand much sacrifice. It seems to me that it should only be fair that we be allowed to question the authority of that demand. If it rings true then so be it. But it is so clearly obvious that it does not, that it becomes laughable.

    Do you need an excuse to wake up, eat and drink, and have no one to give an accounting? Why would I need an excuse. I have a great life. I can’t wait to wake up in the morning and get going. Also, I don’t need a make believe god to establish my morality code. I am a very moral person, and I am such without the need of fear tactics being placed above my actions.

  • simon17

    "I won't burden this forum with a running back and forth between my mother and I, especially since I won't be responding to anymore emails, and I doubt that she will either.

    I certainly understand if you prefer to keep your communications private. Let me just say that there are a lot of people in situations like yours, except they desperately do NOT want to let their family shun them and would be quite devestated if it happened. They also are tempted at corresponding with their family in this manner. So I think for us, seeing the exchange that you have is very therepuetic and helpful, because we can see how the conversation will go without actually having to risk it. I thank you for sharing what you have, and will read any other communication you post.

  • outsmartthesystem
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    " You are expressing the thoughts of an apostate."

    It still surprises me when JWs make a career around telling others to critically examine their beliefs and what they're taught in church and school, but when another JW dares to examine WT teachings... watch out! They can't defend their beliefs so they totally go on the attack!

    "why do you want to write and try to undermine my absolutely awesome way of life?"

    Sounds more like she's trying to convince herself than convince you. She can't prove what she believes, so she has to go overboard by justifying how happy she is in her ignorance.

    "You are empty now. Your spiritual vacuum has been sucked dry of truth."

    Quite the contrary, it's her falsely proclaimed "truth" that has been proven to be an empty vacuum. She's enslaved to a fear-based publishing corporation.

  • nugget

    Sorry that your mum was not ready to actually take in what you said. I do not believe that she read much of your letter but shut down as soon as the cognitive dissonance clicked in. If she had read it properly the evidence was clear, however witnesses are taught to reject anything critical of their beliefs and certainly she was not ready to hear that her belief system was flawed.

    I sincerely hope she keeps your letter and looks at it on another occasion. In the meantime focus on the positives and the things you have control over. time is on your side there is no armageddon your mum will realise at some point that she has been duped.

  • darthweef

    I think the most telling part of this whole exchange is that we have, in the past, had many rational and some heated, discussions about the bible and whether certain aspects were valid. The flood, the exodus, etc. etc.

    Never has she had any problem with me expressing any disbelief in the bible or questioning its authenticity. However, make ONE comment about the fact that the society is not being honest in their explanations, and all of a sudden I am an apostate and disowned.

    So apparently it's question the bible all you want, talk about "mother" and I'll cut you! LOL

  • jamiebowers

    Welcome! I'm glad to hear you have a good life outside the Watch Tower. You're so well written and apparently well read. Have you been to or are you going to college? If not, do you plan to?

  • Fernando

    Hey darthweef!

    Welcome to JWN. Sorry about the shunning situation.

    Some have commented in the past that WBTS followers can only be helped by focussing on what interests or troubles them.

    Others have observed that questions are almost always better than explanations and answers - they have to see and work things out for themselves.

    I found this true in my case. I was asked a simple question: "please explain what the gospel is in one word".

    It did take 3½ years of really intense research, but I was very confident about my new belief system when exiting in 2009.

  • cantleave

    Hi darthweef, Welcome to JWN.

    You well articulate and reasoned letters to you mum have probably not been read by her. She views them as apostate reasoning and ignores the contemnt totally.

    Her response actually made me feel quite emotional, so guess they must really hurt you.

    Thank you for posting!

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