Mummy Dear Lies at Assemblies

by Tempest in a Teacup 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tempest in a Teacup
    Tempest in a Teacup

    LisaRose: I'm feeling you on this. I think there's so much attention on my mum because normal mum and dad families in my hometown are finding it quite difficult to keep their kids in. Their kids were angels before the era of hormones, now that they're adults, the parents are feeling the heat.

    Vidiot: True! I think that for the kids the memories even get worse with time and for the parents it's the other way around.

  • Oubliette

    The whole belief system is a delusional fantasy. Why did you expect it to have limits?

  • clarity

    Watchtower put impossible goals & commands before us and when we humans fail these impositions, the outcome is predictable. Both sides of the issue are in delusion......... the liars & those who more or less won't 'see' it! It is a bummer to wake-up and realize the whole thing is a disappointing con job!

    As an eager jw newbie I believed everything ....... omg those amazing zealous bro & sis .......all the time out in serve-us! 15 bible studies, on the platform telling about it at conventions and then................. you find out it was all a lie, they were making it all up! Sorry it is your Mom who is so deluded that she cannot see the reality. Glad that you have opened your eyes tho...congratulations, it is not easy.


  • Tempest in a Teacup
    Tempest in a Teacup
    The whole belief system is a delusional fantasy. Why did you expect it to have limits?

    I believe it rather works the other way around. These little things pieced together prove that the system has a problem, i.e. from insiders' point of view.

    Now if your eyes are open, it's a different story.

  • dubstepped

    I feel for you TIAT. Not in the second act portion of life where family now has any control over my wife or I, but in that I watched the dog and pony show often. My dad was an elder and gave talks about happy family life as all of his kids, and even his wife, rolled their eyes. He was full of crap up there. He did the same on assembly parts. My mom has even left the auditorium during his parts.

    As a young person I was a great example in the congregation. I was therefore asked to do several parts. I distinctly remember that if my answers to whatever questions I was asked in the interviews wasn't good enough, I would be coached into giving better answers. You know, not truthful ones, but ones that set a higher standard. My wife was on parts as a kid, and she too had her stories massaged to be more than what they were.

    So, it doesn't surprise me one bit that anyone would lie around the circuit or on any part. Happens all of the time. It is easier to lie in that way because the lies are often things that you feel guilty about. Your mom probably felt bad on some level that she didn't study and such with you, and she intended to, so that's all that counts. In her mind, she probably did at this point because she can't bear the shame of not having done so. How sad that all of that is put on everyone to the point of shame that motivates one to tell revisionist stories.

    I believe very little of any personal experiences given from any stage. I assume most to be exaggerations at least, outright lies at most.


    Only problem though, there's no way she can give these lectures and not talk about the importance of a regular family study. It HAS TO be part of the script. So she invents fictitious ones, straight out of her imagination.
    I then realized (sadly) that she's done so much of it that she's begun to believe her own lies.

    .....Image result for watchtower logo


    ..........Image result for Everybody lies

  • Tempest in a Teacup
    Tempest in a Teacup
    I distinctly remember that if my answers to whatever questions I was asked in the interviews wasn't good enough, I would be coached into giving better answers. You know, not truthful ones, but ones that set a higher standard.
    (...) I believe very little of any personal experiences given from any stage. I assume most to be exaggerations at least, outright lies at most.

    having been there myself, I know this to be true and I started to question the veracity of it.

    As a teen, I was given a part. I still don't know why they asked ME do to that. I had absolutely no serious experience to fit the brother's talk. They eventually let me tell about one experience of my everyday life (meaning: not interesting); they -the brother giving the talk and the co- told me what to place emphasis on, and how, and what details to downplay and how.

    My story still ended up too flat. LOL, too everyday-ish I think, given the weak applause The thrill-thirsty audience gave me. Ha!

  • Vidiot

    @ Outlaw...

    House would have a field day.

  • floriferous
    I know for a fact that any truthfulness in the experiences boasted about on the assembly platform has been, at the insistence of the CO & DO, buried under a pile of spin & heavily glossed up until the persons relating it felt they were having to tell lies.
  • KateWild

    How revealing this all is. I believed every word of it.....hook line and sinker.

    Basically the COs must be told to get JWs to lie....big fat liars themselves.


    Kate xx

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