My 6 year old seen sparlock

by twinkle toes 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    From the mouth of babes

    Exactly what I was thinking Mrs. Jones!

    Thanks for your comments everyone!

    Fuge: I was already way into my fade before I had kids. My six year old has the most exposure. He has gone to 3 memorials, some funerals and a wedding. My mother was his biggest influence for all things JW. She has passed away a few years ago now which makes not going much easier. He remembers the hall as the 'Dora place', because we took him to a memorial when he was 3, we fed him Dora candies to keep him quiet. lol Which makes me think your kids remember for a long time. But remembering and caring are totally different. It seems like once kids see that you don't care about something they, lose interest quickly.

    We talk a lot about apostate stuff at my house, so they know the lingo. But my husband has never been a witness, so the kids have a totally normal exposure as well.

    My three year old doesn't have any memories. I am glad to say he has been to the hall one time as a baby, for my moms funeral.

    What's funny is I took the 6 year old uptown after I posted and we drove past the hall.He pointed to it and asked me if that was the church where they don't like magic. I just said, "Yup, thats the one", he said "Hmmmp", and then dropped it . Thank-you governing body! What an great way to keep my kid from ever wanting to go there.


  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    Blonde moment: It was that video that made me show him the vid. I was wondering what my kids would say.


  • Kojack57

    Great kid. He is using his power of reasoning.


  • blond-moment

    As I said in the intro, he isn't a JW kid, never been, but he has big ears. The end part, we were playing superheros (I was batman) and he announced he wanted to be a hero when he grew up, and all the things he would do. Mostly I was recording for his mom, but the WT came up. I edit out the part where he was going to shoot them with silver bullets haha, kept in the potion part.

  • twinkle toes
    twinkle toes

    I didn't realize it was your Video Blonde moment. Good job. Your friend has a cute kid.


  • sabastious

    Lol were you just beaming with pride or what? Your son is a sharp one.


  • blond-moment

    It's nice to see and hear what the kids think....yes it's going to entrap the minds of some...but whew, kids are smart. It's nice to see it wont ruin them all.

  • skeeter1

    I gave this video to my 12 year old to view. The comment was "Wow," Then, about 10 minutes later, "You mean if I was a JW, I'd have to give up all of my medieval and dragon toys?" I said, "yes" "Child says, "Oh, well that explains something!." "What?" I ask. "Well, when JDub Aunt came over when I was smaller, I'd show her all my toys. When we got to my medieal sets (which are impressive), she wanted to get out of the room." The the kid continues,"But my JW Aunt loves dressage,horse riding (warrier based) and horse costume shows, which are esentially the same thing as my medival sets."

  • blond-moment

    Smart kids!

  • d

    So this shows not all children willl be influenced.

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