Are the Witnesses opposing God with their twisted view of "higher education"?

by matt2414 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • solomon

    My point is, that the Watchtower insists that a college degree means you are trying to be rich. But only about 50% of Americans have completed some college, and only about 1% are truly rich. If college = wealth, shouldn't 50% of Americans be rich?

    In reality, people just want work to support themselves and their families, just as 1 Tim. 5:8 commands, not simply to get rich. Who are the Governing Body to position themselves between you and God's command?

    I think they want JW's to be poor so that they can blame Satan and his system for their problems. Control Control Control

  • solomon

    My point is, that the Watchtower insists that a college degree means you are trying to be rich. But only about 50% of Americans have completed some college, and only about 1% are truly rich. If college = wealth, shouldn't 50% of Americans be rich?

    In reality, people just want work to support themselves and their families, just as 1 Tim. 5:8 commands, not simply to get rich. Who are the Governing Body to position themselves between you and God's command?

    I think they want JW's to be poor so that they can blame Satan and his system for their problems. Control Control Control

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    Um, aren't they just opposing their, and the bible's, view of god period?

  • JWOP

    Maybe the Watchtower Society should create a Jehovah's Witness college.....

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Solomon, Your reasoning makes perfect sense. However, WT needs for the sheeple to remain poor and ignorant in order to control them. Plus, the GB are all dudes with zero education and no real contact with the realities of earning a living, so they see no need for anydubby to get an education or worry about paying bills.

    "One noted scholar recently wrote in a well-respected journal that 'the focus put on critical thinking skills by universities is equaled only by their fundamental requirement that any quotes or statistics used in students' written assignments be cited in a bibliography, thereby allowing the reader to confirm the factual accuracy of the writer and to assure the reader that the writer has not used the material out of context or in a misleading way.'"

    sd-t: Ha ha! Source, please??

    The "one noted scholar" is respectful_observer, and the "well-respected journal" is

  • sir82
    There must be an ulterior motive behind the Watchtower Church's edict to avoid higher education.

    Gosh! Ya think?

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet

    Gen 1:28 Further, God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.”

    How can they fulfill this command if they do not learn about the world around them? High school isn't cutting it. Specialized study is a good thing!

    Love, learning, thinking, etc means NOTHING to them. It's all worship and praise to the Golden Calf Governing Body.

  • LostGeneration

    The WT is petrified of anything outside of cult activities. Meetings, service, personal study and prayer are really the only activities they sanction. If they had a way of confining their members to these and these alone, only then would they be happy.

    Everything else is a potential landmine to their followers, and rightly so. Imagine you gave a list like this to a "worldly" and told them to figure out what they had in common:

    Sex with your girlfriend or boyfriend, birthday parties, college education, Harry Potter, Celebrating Easter, R-rated movies, smoking cigarettes, magic, sleeping in late every Saturday and Sunday morning.

    They would look at you and say WTF?

    Then you would have to tell them all of these things "make Jehovah sad"

    Then they would say WTF again...

  • respectful_observer

    JWOP Maybe the Watchtower Society should create a Jehovah's Witness college.....


    Forgetting the fact that the WTS would never put several thousand hormone infused 18-21 y.o. together in a dorm environment (DF-ings every week!), can you even imagine what a “Watchtower College” would be like? I imagine something along these lines….

    Co-ed dorms? Not a chance.

    Dorm rooms? No locks. And the RA (aka “The Inspector”) has free reign to root through your stuff.

    Sports teams? No way. This avoids “bad association” with the other team on the field/court and avoids a competitive spirit.

    Student Government? Don’t even ask the question.

    Days off for holidays? Of course…the Memorial (and “Spring Break” would become “Spring ‘Pioneer during Memorial season’ Break”). No other holidays.

    Alcohol on campus? Verboten!

    Philosophy classes? Nope.

    World Religions classes? Yep. And the textbook will be “Mankind’s Search for God”

    Biology classes? Sort of. The reading materials would the Creator book and every Awake! article written on ants, whales, polar bears, etc….EVOLUTION IS A THEORY.

    Music classes? Sure, but no rap or hard rock, no music that has religious roots, no music that is too sexual or mentions violence (good thing the “bees molested” line is gone out of the songbook!)

    Constitutional Law? Definitely. Learn all about Minersville v. Gobitis, WT v. Village of Stratton, and every other JW US Supreme Court case. (Jimmy Swaggart Ministries v. Board of Equalization of CA will NOT be studied.) Level II classes learn how to fight blood transfusions in court.

    GPA? Your service time would actually be factored into the equation. If it remains too low, you flunk out of school.

    Commencement Speaker? A different member of the GB each year.

    That’s off the top of my head. I’m sure you all have many more ideas…


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