WT's biggest gaffe ever?

by Pistoff 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    It really has to be 1914, when the WTS. said it was going to be the year of Armageddon and then changed it to the end of the Gentile times and

    Christ taking his position in heaven.

    There's a long stream of bullshit this religious publishing house has come up with over the years, even though they were commercial viable

    doctrines to proliferate literature.

    The biggest enemy the WTS. has to battle right now and into the future is "The Truth"

  • WTWizard

    I hope this is the children's introduction to Spiritual Satanism. It starts with a toy that has magic, which the children otherwise would not have seen. The child wants that toy, and of course it is forbidden. However, watching the video, the child wonders what this magic could possibly be. Soon enough, they are online and research the whole subject of Satanism, and they become spiritual Satanists--hopefully before they reach the age of 6 and are supposed to be baptized as witlesses.

    Of course, they might not commit until after they are 18. However, if they do more research until then, Satan will be in their hearts and it is more likely than not that they will commit when they are free to do so.

  • Vidqun

    Millions living now will never die!

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