SPARLOCK has been banned on YOutube!!!!!

by usualusername 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • usualusername

    I want to know how Sparlock feels about this?

    Where is he when we need him?

  • Paralipomenon

    You can circumvent this by editing the video slightly to allow it to be viewed as a parody.

    Also, videotaping it playing on your TV is another way.

    Taping a comentary and showing specific clips in a cutaway is also allowed.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    EE: So again, who dosent think the borg will sue for copywrite infringment over this....?

    Filing a cease & desist with YouTube is one thing... but I can't see WTBTS suing YouTube users over this. That would generate some negative publicity and draw further attention to this kid's Kool Aid video, which I suspect they wouldn't want.

    Here's my guess: They intended this video for devout followers. It would make a harsh intro for potential recruits who are curious about JW beliefs. I'm sure they can imagine how ridiculous it would seem to outsiders. They also want dubs to be excited about it at the DC, like UUN said. We're ruining their party. And you can be sure they don't like the kind of light we're casting on it.

  • elderelite

    Sbc, not nessarily suing youtube users, but those interested in using the sparlock name and making pariodies

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    If it had been the WTBTS threatening me I would have said "bring it on" but its not. If If upload them again youtube will just close my account and that would be the end of it.

    What we need is for multiple accounts to upload it.

  • sacolton

    Host it on Daily Motion.

  • wasblind

    Hey Sweets,

    They don't like the kind of light we're castin' ????

    but it's " NEW LIGHT" on a just released dvd

    Oh well, so much for Proverbs 4:18

  • cedars

    I guess it was only a matter of time, but IMO the damage has already been done. The videos were online long enough for people to download them, including me. Parody/spoof videos have already sprung up, and I'm working on something along similar lines as we speak. Once it's up on YouTube, I'll let you all know.

    Once again, the Society have shot themselves in the foot. At least by having the genuine videos online they could have retained some decorum. They have left a vacuum in which the spoofs/parodies/critiques can step up to fill the gap. This will create more doubts and curiosity among dubs who happen upon this edited material. They'll no doubt wonder how the original stuff could be any worse, which will give the DVD even more impact when their worst fears are confirmed.

    As far as the Society is concerned it's too little, too late. For us, it's only just starting.


  • wasblind

    yea cedars,

    after lookin' at all the spoofs, it will be harder to digest the real thing

  • sacolton

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