Did The Generation Change Silence Apostates?

by Englishman 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • ThiChi

    Wow, you have “past” truth, you have “present” truth and “future” truth! Like Franz says, the word “Truth” has become meaningless.

    I really don’t mind speculation. However, if you can be disfellowshipped for not believing/teaching it, that is what chaps my hide.

  • Undecided

    Hi Englishman,

    I found a new explaination of the generation on another stupid Christain religious site.

    People have said the end was near many times in the past—true. But did you know the Bible shows us no prophecy of the latter days meant anything until Israel was reborn into a nation? Did you know God’s Word indicates to us a generation would not pass from Israel’s rebirth, till all be fulfilled (which includes the Rapture, the Tribulation, and Jesus Christ’s return)? A Jewish generation can be figured from the age of 20.
    There are always new explainations for scripture by those who are waiting for the rapture, end of the world, Armageddon, Kingdom or whatever.

    Ken P.

  • blindfool

    I think most JW's knew there needed to be a change in the generation teaching.
    I remember the first time I talked to my wife about the fact that the teaching had to change. It was in about 1990, we had a big fight over this. It is one of the things that blows my mind about the witnesses. They know some things aren't right, but until they read it in the Watchtower or hear it from the speaker at the KH, they will argue the point.
    Anyway, the WT point is flawed because if anyone had not accepted the change they would have been labeled an apostate and dealt with accordingly. There is no room in the WTBTS for an individual to "rigidy" stick to a previous understanding.
    The apostates were not delighted. They knew this change was coming. I think most wondered why it took so long.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Limey.. er... Englishman, et al,

    It's interesting in the citation you make from the 1997 article how the WT automatically assumes that those who manage to wean themselves away from their enslavement to a delusion recipcrocate the animus they hold towards those chose to leave.

    While it's true that years of abyse may hae creates vast reservoir of bitterness among a certain segment of exJWs. I venture to say that the majority, having turned the page on that chapter of their life, simply want to move on, and could care less whether the WT, grows, shrinks, stays the same.

    Dissident observers are aware that it's the inexorable ticking of the clock rather than any ``refinement'' or advancement in spiritual understanding that has compelled and will continue to compel such changes even as it demolishes whatever plausibiliy these long-held speculations may once have had. So they chuckle when they read such egocentric, self-serving pap.

    Hello Brooklyn... anybody home? Change and `refine'' to your heart's content! NOBODY CARES!!

  • SixofNine

    GB said, "they are shadowboxing".

    Shadowboxing is right. If anything, making the change hurts the apostate cause, in the long run.

    While I think it is true, on the one hand, that the change was the spark for some people to leave the organization, in the long run, if they had not changed it, if they had acted as if it did not need to be addressed, there would be an even greater exodus now, after the year 2000.

    This li'l stupid apostate was in back then, and bought the change hook line and sinker, I'm ashamed to admit. But, all things being equal, this apostate also wishes they had not made the change, as NOT making a change would have caused the MOST witnesses to see that "this is not working", eventually.

  • SixofNine

    GB said, "they are shadowboxing".

    Shadowboxing is right. If anything, making the change hurts the apostate cause, in the long run.

    While I think it is true, on the one hand, that the change was the spark for some people to leave the organization, in the long run, if they had not changed it, if they had acted as if it did not need to be addressed, there would be an even greater exodus now, after the year 2000.

    This li'l stupid apostate was in back then, and bought the change hook line and sinker, I'm ashamed to admit. But, all things being equal, this apostate also wishes they had not made the change, as NOT making a change would have caused the MOST witnesses to see that "this is not working", eventually.

  • Stealth

    spin! spin! spin!

    This is nothing short of manipulation and mind control.

    If you don't go along with our change you might be an apostate.


    If you go along with our new light then you are loyal to Jehovah.

  • thewiz

    I think in their sad little way they are, in effect, trying to say:

    "... at one time we were gods..." -but everyone knows the "truth"

  • Jourles

    I have always found it quite amusing that when Franz wrote CoC, he basically predicted, no "prophesied," as the WTS considers itself to do, that the generation change would have to come and when it did, the society would need to distance 1914 and the '80 years is a generation' notion. It wasn't until I read CoC in mid-1998, that I was totally blown away by this point.

    I still remember reading this book everyday before work. I would leave home a little early in the morning to get to the parking garage to read a few pages. Took about a month before it was finished and I then proceeded to start over again. Wonderful book, great insights.


    Hey E-man,if your a good dub you won`t question WBTS lies.You`ll accept what we tell you now,now shut your mouth..Scumbags!!...OUTLAW

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