Does this make you feel small?

by still thinking 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    I like! It works, because being self-absorbed is intrinsically unhealthy.

    Here's the initial interview I watched with Talbot...

    (lots more on youtube from and re Talbot)

    and Michio Kaku, the brilliant popularist physicist, on the subject ...

    (Kaku also has some interesting stuff on how earth is approaching its next evolution, and we are progressing towards nonverbal communication (ie, mental telepathy), which I have also found that I can do with others, if we are very connected)

  • talesin

    I think stardust fits right in with holographic theory and all the exciting 'new' things that physicists are now realizing are true! I would love to just study it, and wish the world was like Star Trek, and there was no 'money' per se. We could all just be who we are, and follow our bliss.


  • still thinking
    still thinking

    tal...I'm not sure...but I think I have seen that first video before, it looks familier. I have to go do some stuff. But I am going to come back later and watch them. Thanks for sharing....

  • talesin

    Thanks, this discussion was really helpful for me tonite. I think I can sleep now. :)

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Every cell within us is a triumph of natural selection. We're made up of trillions of cells. We are each of us...a multitude.

    The Cosmos is in us, we are made of star stuff........The cosmos CAN know itself.!

  • still thinking
  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Good morning tal....hope you slept well.

    I have just finished your first video (Talbot)...and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for adding it.

    What I found interesting was that I had seen that video before...but since I am thinking about things slightly differently these days I found a lot of information in it that I didn't see or hear before. Strangely, this is happening with me a lot lately.

    Isn't it interesting how our perception of things can alter what our reality is? The mind is a fascinating thing...

    I will watch your second video a bit later today.

    Hope you enjoyed mine....

    This is a really interesting video clip from Dr Jill Bolte Taylor....and her experience of having a stroke and the profound lesson she learned...I highly recommend it.

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