Please identify and explain use of hand-held devices.

by compound complex 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Greetings, technologically-advanced members:

    Would you kindly identify and explain the use of today's electronic devices whose true names and separate/identical/overlapping functions I have difficulty understanding: smart phones, i-pods, androids (?), et cetera.

    Many thanks!

  • wisdomfrombelow

    I'll try to give a simple answer.

    Smartphone - phone which you an install apps on and has good internet integration

    i-pod - generic name for a music player. iPod is an is an Apple brand of music player

    Androids - a phone or tablet running the android operating system and can use android apps.

    There is some crossover with bigger phones that almost approach the size of tablets. A smartphone can do everything that a ipod can do as well as make phone calls. A tablet is like a big ipod so you have a screen that is easier to watch movies on and read books on.

  • wasblind

    Greetings technology advanced members

    Hello CoCo, I feel really special right now knowing

    that we have somthin' in common

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Wisdom and Wasblind!

    It's beginning to make sense now, Wisdom. I appreciate your easy-to-understand explanation.

    We can commiserate with each other, eh, Wasblind?!?!?



  • ohiocowboy

    I'm 47, and I feel like I am ancient when it comes to those new fangled devices. I'm happy with my laptop, and don't even want to bother with the smart phones, IPods, etc. I've had my Razr phone for about 5 years now, and will probably have it until it croaks. I only use it for calls, and never have bothered with the camera or video. The video only films for 5 seconds, so it is practically worthless anyways.

    To all the young whippersnappers-Get off my lawn!!!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    AMEN, ohio!!!!!

    Thanks for posting. Hope you're well!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    OK my mind went completely elsewhere on this one

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    The use of seperate iPods/music players (as well as the trend away from keeping music as files on your own device and more toward simply listening to such music from the 'cloud' or internet radio services), digital cameras, and gps have fallen off dramatically since their usage has been integrated into smartphones.

    The better current smartphones contain a more than adequate point and shoot digital camera.

    A smartphone allows you to immediately share/post an image with anyone online or with a similar device.

    It also allows access to a world of apps, or applications, that perform specific functions. Popular apps include those for music, social networking, sharing your location with others, checking the weather, scanning barcodes in stores for price comparison, reading books, ordering lunch, allowing an individual to accept credit card payments, and of course, games.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, wha, for taking my innocence down a road never before traveled () and j dubb (welcome to JWN!) for your comprehensive coverage.

    I think I've got it!

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    Wha Happened - I thought the same thing. I guess you are also a member of the Dirty Apostate Pervert club

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