by Mary 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    My JW sister was over tonight for supper and after a couple of glasses of vino she told me that "today's Watchtower study was bullshit" and that one of the 'elite elders' made a comment that bothered her a great deal.

    He was apparently at Bethel not too long ago and "one of the big-wigs" who was giving a talk said "Don't be afraid of dying for the Truth brothers" and this jackass was stupid enough to repeat this at the meeting. It bothered my sister a great deal and I said to her: "Soooo are they going to start passing out the Kood-Aid or what?" She knew exactly what I was talking about and she said "Ya, I wondered the same thing. I hate it when they talk like that that because they sound like a cult". (Ya think?)

    Kinda makes you wonder what's coming down the pipeline from these morons eh? Anyone else here anything like this?

  • james_woods

    I have been here about seven years - and I can honestly tell you that I have noticed a distinct move toward a total control style of rule. Where previous liberalisms were made - they have been removed and replaced by extremism.

    It really looks like desperation.

  • mP

    Which truth, dogma of the WTS today, 1870s, 1914s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1975s, 1980s, 1990s ? does a martyr need to wear a sign to validate which truth they stand for ? Jehovahs Witnesses really should use versioning like software just so everybody knows which update or revision or patch they are on.

  • Finkelstein

    Yes show your loyalty and die if you must for the WTS Corporation, god's solemn publishing house.

    He will see this and in return gratefully let you enter into that earthly paradise he promised.

    You do want to make yourself able for that don't you ?

    Always remember the WTS. is the Truth through this organization and your survival weighs upon how much you devote yourself to it.

    Remember to keep track of all your hours preaching you do, as well how many pieces of litature by the WTS. you place.

    This is very important toward your spirituality level, the more time preaching will heighten your personal commit to god

    and offer a basis for god to see how devoted you are to him and his earthly publishing house which he owns and governs over.

  • wasblind

    " Don't be afraid to die for the truth"

    Yesterdays truth : " Any food to which whole blood or even some blood fractions has been added, should not be eaten"____Reasoning book page 71

    Todays truth : August Awake 2006 pages 11-12 ( mag not with me ) says it's ok to take fractions, because fractions not mentioned in the Bible

    Folks died yesterday, needlessly '

  • Knowsnothing

    In vino veritas.

    Wine has a way of bringing out the truth.

    I wonder what the GB would admit to...

  • Scully

    That moron probably was clueless as to what it actually means to "die for The Truth™". Unlike your sister and her late husband.

    What an asshole.

    Seriously, I have been worried about the increasing persistence in emphasizing dying for The Truth™. For at least 10 years, I've been concerned about the possibilities, and not just in terms of JWs martyring themselves and their children on the No Blood™ altar. I'm just at a loss as to what we can do to prevent tragic outcomes.

  • Mary

    I know Scully.......we talked about the blood doctrine tonight too and she said that she thinks "they're wrong" on it, but that it's still "the Truth".

    I try not to push it with her because she's never recovered from my b-i-L dying and I'm afraid that finding out this isn't "the Truth" could finish her off.

    What a totally f**ked up cult.

  • Dagney

    Other people's lives are so cheap to the WTBS.

    On the other hand, it's the fear tactic they've always used. I was thinking the other day how dysfunctional it was to be raised being told as a kid that we wold likely be in prison after religion turns "on us.". We were taught how to disguise ourselves, and how to stand up to the authorities because they will "hate us.". They got the same drivel going. Makes me sick. I hope some more like your sister get to a point where they see through their game.

  • mP

    And yet all those GB never die young, they always die old, really old. One has to wonder why none of them are ever cut in their prime and show their faith ?!

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