"REVELATION BOOK" Which Interpretations Are The Most Wacky?

by Bubblegum Apotheosis 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    You studied the Revelation book, two, three or four times? What is the worst interpretation of a chapter and verse, of this book?

    The cleaning of the Society in 1917-1919 by Jesus Christ? "The Two Witnesses"

    I enjoy Revelation 2, how it's application is only to rank and file, not to be testing to those in charge!

  • cedars

    You can really take your pick. The material on the 7 congregations is bearable, but from chapter 14 onwards the book nosedives into the weird and wacky brains of Fred Franz and his forebears. Every prophecy, no matter how dramatic and all-encompassing, has a modern day fulfillment - specifically in the activities of the early bible students. A burning mountain being hurled into the sea was a prophecy foretelling a convention resolution. You cite a good example with the prophecy of the two witnesses which basically revolves around events surrounding the publication of The Finished Mystery, a book that, as the Society puts is, "proved unsatisfactory as a commentary on Revelation"! So, a book that does a crap job of explaining Revelation ends up fulfilling it?! How did we believe this stuff...


  • Yura Ivanova
    Yura Ivanova

    Like all the other crap they spew out, the book has no relevance whatsoever. Cedars, you are right, the Two Witnesses, their interpretation of 1260 days, its all BS, and the book was basically written so they could write themselves into Bible Prophecy. Just as this article was being written by you here, I was writing again on the 7 Angels, who are not the Elders. Would anyone who is in Christs hand, and who works under his influence, do the things these Elders have done? Spew out false prophecy, cover up child abuse, break up Marriages. God's Orgaization? Aye, right ye are, pull the other one it has bells on it.

  • Yura Ivanova
    Yura Ivanova

    Revelation, I think its still very far away, and something that will happen long after we are dead and gone, but in saying that, considering how things are going for the Watchtower, they will be long dead before we are, and thats long before the End Time and Armageddon come.

  • Heartofaboy

    The Cedar Point Ohio ASSemblies being the trumpet blast of Rev 8.................Yeah right

    Wouldn't a JW be viewed with suspicion by the Borg if they still believed anything that was said at this boasting session?

    Also the 'Locusts' represented the Watchtower & Awake magazines plaguing 'Babylon the Great'........................or something like that

    Utter tosh, & I had to endure that book 3 times.

  • Phizzy

    The last time it was scheduled for study again I thought to myself "This could be the biggest mistake the WT has ever made".

    I don't know if I was anywhere near right about that, but I bet that book was more instrumental in waking people up to the fact that the religion was B.S than any other WT book in recent times.

  • Sapphy

    Endured it 3 and a half times, symbolic really.

    Halfway through the fourth time I just gave up attending the Book Study, it was too painfully boring.

    The assemblies of the 1920s being the trumpet blasts of Revelation is so ridiculous. I doubt you'd meet even a true believer witness who isn't 'humbly waiting on Jehovah for clarification' on that one.

    Just for reference - and lurkers, I'm talking to you, this is still official doctrine aka "delightful words of truth". Do you personally believe the following? All references taken from the Revelation climax book chapter 21 & 22

    1st Trumpet: “And the first one blew his trumpet. And there occurred a hail and fire mingled with blood, and it was hurled to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees was burned up, and all the green vegetation was burned up.” How is this judgment message delivered? Generally, not by the world’s news media, which are part of the world and often reproachful of God’s “slave.” (Matthew 24:45) It was proclaimed in a notable way at the second historic gathering of God’s people at Cedar Point, Ohio, September 10, 1922.

    The second Angel & Trumpet "We may best understand it against the background of the convention of Jehovah’s people held in Los Angeles, California, U.S.A., on August 18-26, 1923. The featured Saturday afternoon talk by J. F. Rutherford was on the topic “Sheep and Goats..". They then had a resolution and "Doubtless , this resolution came as a result of the sounding of the second trumpet.

    LOL I do not think 'doubtless' means what they think it means here. The 3rd trumpet is blown in 1924 "This convention assembled in Columbus, Ohio, July 20-27, 1924. No doubt at the direction of the angel that sounded the third trumpet, a forceful resolution was there adopted and later 50 million copies were distributed as a tract. The fourth angel trumpeted in 1925 "Hence, it is only proper that the fourth angel should trumpet the fact that Christendom’s “light” is, in fact, darkness, and her sources of “light” are Babylonish—non-Christian. In line with that heavenly proclamation, a capacity crowd of God’s people assembled in convention in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A., on August 29, 1925, and adopted for publication a forthright resolution entitled “Message of Hope.” Again, some 50 million copies were distributed in a number of languages." ...
  • sir82

    There is some seriously twisted, tortured "logic" (even for them) when they say that "Abaddon" in Revelation 9:11 is Jesus.

  • rocketman

    The Trumpet Blasts (thanks for the quick review Sapphy) were, to me, the most ridiculous interpretations in the book.

  • donuthole

    The book identifies Abbadon, the destroyer that comes forth from the abyss with a locust swarm, as being Jesus Christ and the annointed. Yes, Jesus and the annointed are a demonic horde swarming forth from hell.

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