Being publicly religious is a lot like being a NUDIST

by Terry 50 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Terry

    People holding hands and praying over a meal hurts who?

    When I was in prison (Seagoville) over the Jehovah demands Neutrality nonsense, the brothers started bowing heads and praying over their meals.

    Piety ove Pie, I guess you could say--except, there was no pie.

    It caught on. More and more JW's were doing it. Peer pressure perhaps?

    Anyway, it really galled the other inmates. Yes. It made them actually ANGRY.

    I think I know why. At least I know what one inmate said to me.

    "God is private, dude, deal with it!"

    Roughly translated, it means: because you are praying publicly before meals it reflects badly on the rest of us who aren't.

    Putting others in a bad light could possibly be considered bad manners, no?

  • Glander

    As usual, Tal. we are in agreement on this public kneeling in prayer display. Yecch

  • talesin

    Glander, hells yah! :D

    Terry -- I am so happy to be Canadian, and this is one of the reasons. We are more secular. Point, end point.


  • james_woods
    I had a discussion with someone about this this morning, really! She feels it is okay, as he is 'personally' asking GOD for his blessing.

    The problem I have with this is the sheer arrogance of it! Is he trying to say that god likes him better than the other quarterback, or likes his team better than the other team, because he is doing this?

    God gives him touchdowns, but the other teams scores are by accident?

    God is mad at him or his team when they lose?

    I do not think it is very logical to believe that the creator of the universe takes sides in a football game.

  • steve2
    I do not think it is very logical to believe that the creator of the universe takes sides in a football game.

    A petty-minded god for petty-minded believers, god steps in to help a believer with a football game and ignores a globe full of tragic, human suffering and misery. Believing this crap adds gullibility and small-mindedness to the superstition.

  • Finkelstein

    Jehovah's Witnesses are exhibitionists of self righteous arrogance openly presented through an indoctrination of ignorance.

  • designs

    A Presiding Overseer I had in 1969 would take us pioneers out to lunch and stand at the head of the table in a restaurant and pray out loud and I mean OUT LOUD!

  • ziddina
    "The problem I have with this is the sheer arrogance of it! Is he trying to say that god likes him better than the other quarterback, or likes his team better than the other team, because he is doing this?..." James Woods

    Hear hear! His behavior is incredibly self-centered, yet so many people - especially Tebow - cannot see that.

    I am so glad Denver got rid of that flake. I wonder how long he'll last in New York City before succumbing to the booze, hookers and drugs...

    I hope that Paris Hilton gets her claws into him and shows him how to REALLY par-tay!!!

  • Terry

    In a cause and effect universe non-caused causes affect non-effect affects, I suppose.

  • Glander

    For people who are tolerant, but neutral, the TEBOW STUFF IS COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE. I can respect anyones beliefs that don't involve suicide bombing. But, sports celebrities who try to use their bully pulpit for WITNESSING, can kiss my ass.

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