Wt will Win case Before Supreme Court

by JT 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    pathofhorns says:

    ... if only more knew about the "do not call" list...


    and that is all they need to do- all this 1st ammendment stuff and lawyers, etc,, NOT NEEDED

    As i have said so many times before the NET "THANG" is the key

    just think if we knew what questions to ask before we became JW how many of us would have even back in the 60's 70's would not have become jw just based on the info that was availble at that time

    well today it offers town , citizens , etc the needed info to deal with jw in a very legal manner without rasing issues of the 1st ammmendment-

    instead of passing goofy laws that will not stand up in court

    use WT own rules- DO NOT CALL



  • JT

    Farkel saysI

    n that sentence the word is "Effect." Didn't you learn that shit when you got your college education at Bethel, old friend? Of course you didn't! Those bastards lied to you about your education when your slaved your black ass at the "Big House!" I hate them. But, you already know this.


    you cold bloodied man- many of us are very proud of our speech slip, i got mostly "G's" all the years i was in the WT Theocratic School

    so lay off the WT University

  • Seeker

    Sure it's a threat to free speech. As soon as the government says, "You have to ask us for permission before you can go to your neighbor's house to speak to them" you have the risk of speech being denied. You should never give the government a power over you unnecessarily. They may not use that power against those they dislike right away, but sooner or later it will happen. Human history is full of examples of governments using their power against those they dislike.

  • expatbrit

    I've always liked the concept of speaker's corner, myself. It provides a place where any old looney can go and exercise his freedom of speech to anyone who wants to listen. It also means that said loonies wont be going around harrassing people in their homes.

    Seems like a good compromise.


  • plmkrzy

    There are these things called "Signs"

    There usually about 8"x10" or 9"x11" and they fit nicely in most windows or I have even seen them posted on garrage doors(that face the street) so they know not to even bother walking up the driveway.
    They also make smaller signs now for those who don't want the tackier large ones on there homes. They to fit right in with mail slots in the door for examp.
    I'v seen them staked in planters next to the walk ways. You can even put your imagine in gear and be creative with them. [8>]
    The cost...about $2.00 [8>]

    "The fellow that agrees with everything you say is either a fool or he is getting ready to skin you."
    - Kin Hubbard
  • mommy

    Either way they win. They can claim the old, "We are persecuted, thus we are god's real followers." What I find hysterical is that it has been over 3 weeks since they visited me, yet no RV yet. Hmmm I was really nice

    There is a community in Lake County Florida, that is designated for retirees. It started out as a small retirement village then expanded to the point that it opened it's own post office and hired an emergency response company. They basically "stole" a piece of a county and made another town out of it. I am wondering due to the size of this town in Ohio if it is the same type of community. If it is I can see why they would ban together and make a decision like this. If it is this type of community as opposed to a normal town with all age groups, I do not mind one bit that they did this. I actually would support them.

    Honey, don't be fooled by the sex of a person. A pedophile can molest girls, and boys.

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