Confused in career choice :( Please help!!

by will-be-apostate 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • will-be-apostate

    Hello for all. I am new here as a member who posts. I am a 18 years old boy, born in, baptized. I read regularly the posts here on JWN. It helped me a lot to make sure that Jehovah didn`t choose Stephen Lett and his pals in order to lead me. It was the end of the last summer when I came to this conclusion. I still attend to the meetings and go in field service because don`t want to hurt my parents. So sometimes the meetings do their jobs very well and then I feel not that uncertain/unsure. I never thought that after reading so many so called "apostate material" sometimes I still doubt my doubts. Ok, this was the introduction part, it doesn`t matter that much.

    In addition: since I found out that the New World will never ever come, I will get old and die like my grandparents, that I will have to attend my parents funeral, that I will never meet again with the persons I lost or will lose, these were shocking things. I really believed everything. I have been a regular pioneer for 1 year 5 months. I had a lot duty, interviews etc. I had the respect of other jw teens, youngs, even the respect of the old ones.. just like most of you had. So it meant my life, it was my life. But I woke up thanks to JWN, jw-facts, and other sites.

    I don`t really know yet which is worse, to be blind or to know the truth about the truth but being unable to do anything. I told dad that I no longer believe. I tried to bring up arguments but it was useless. Anyway, I am happy that I found this forum. When I feel bad I read some posts that make me laugh. Most of them do. However I noticed that people here are cynical and arrogant especially when the topic is about the elders, or the money of the WTS. I understand the sarcasm and I would lie if I said that I am different. But I can say that I had never have bad experience with the elders or other jws, and my jw mind always finds some pseudo-logical way to explain why certain things happen in that way in the org. But in the doctrinal part I found too many holes and illogical fails that I no longer believe..

    A question like "How did Noah took back the polar bears to the South pole." And what drives me crazy is that when I ask myself such questions here comes my explanation: there must have been a big piece of ice that was blew away to the Red sea, then the bears "got in" and happy end. I know that the chance is less than 0.01 but i am thinking about this anyway and keep having doubts on the subject, don`t feel sure. :(

    The worst is that I feel depressed, I feel like I can die in any minute. Before finding out that I`ve been misled I felt that I was immortal. Now when my mother drives the car, when she drives hundreds of miles alone, I always have the feeling that those are the last moments I spend with her, I mean the moments when I wish her a nice trip. I always remind her to fasten the seat belts. All day I am thinking about how old my parents will be in 2030 if they will be alive. I cry very often. (yeah, I am a guy, and 18). I try to think rational. Is this not true that we probably have 16000 more days in our life, or maybe less..16000 day, 384 000 hour.. it makes me so sad and desperate.

    Life seems a lot of hurtful facts to me without the jw beliefs. It`s terrible. I still believe in God, I guess I do. Oh, by the way I am from Eastern Europe, from an ex-communist country. In the beginning of April i made some fun with the elders. I told the coordinator that not to forget reading the letter in 8 april about the mags and jw sites change :D They had no clue how the hell I knew such "confidential" information. I didnt get in trouble with them. In my cong they are ok. I told that I had access to the letter through a file sharing site and that maybe an ex-elder uploaded the pdf file. :D

    The truth is that i would like to stand up at a meeting and start to convince them, to tell them what i have found out, I know it would be like suicide and the straight way to get disfellowshipped. I feel so sorry for my grandparents who got old with the new world hopes. I feel more sorry for my parents who are in the same situation. I feel somehow lucky, but paralyzed. I try to approach wordly people with a clear mind, because I know that they are normal. It is silly because my classmates behavior (flirt, drink, smoking, casual sex ad so on) many times still make me angry. It is silly because i want to do those things too(exceptt for smoking) but cannot due to the communism inside of `Jehovah`s organisation`.

    I would like to have a girlfriend but I cant until i dont move from the country. Jw girlfriend I dont want, it is clear. The beautiful ones either get disfellowshipped for sex or dont even get beptized.. I think you know what the pattern is. In conclusion I feel worse now than when I was blind and been misled.

    But feel a kind of free.. maybe the truth set me free a little bit. Thanks to you who read it.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Dude, how about some paragraphs? Maybe not a career as a writer.

  • Giordano

    Greetings Will and welcome. I was in your shoes once a long time ago........Doubting my faith. I decided to pioneer where the need was great (this is in the mid 1960's) then I was appointed to positions like assn't presiding minister and kindom ministry school etc (I gues those would be Elder positions now). You can read my story at: it will give you a laugh or two. Like you I had friends and was looked up to and didn't experience bad behavior so it's not an angry story.

    This was many years ago and things weren't as nasty back then with shunning people who wanted disassociate themselves. When I discovered these sites I realized it had gotten worse and people were losing their families if they spoke out. When you do that people begin to pity you and recoil away from you.

    In exchange for a lack of high learning I did find a wonderful women who pioneered with me until we couldn't do it any longer and we left together. We are still together 48 years later.

    First off don't get involved with telling Elder's anything about your true feelings, avoid discussing it with your friends or parents unless they share your feelings.

    Now I want to respond to your subject heading.

    Begin to focus on learning a skill or having a profession because your right, your going to be around for a long time. The time to get your basic education is now. I don't know what your family or money situation if it's not good try for at least a two year community college degree. You didn't get around to a career choice so let me suggest you look into some sort of medical degree. There's a shortage of medical help at the lower levels so even with a two year degree you can have a career. My niece became an X Ray Teck and makes good money. There are other choices.

    Not sure which country you are in but your on line and you can Google careers, two year degrees, best jobs etc. Colleges etc.

    I also want to tell you I had all of those feelings and emotions, I was good at being a witness but under educated. When I left I had a lot of catching up to do to fit into the world and make a living. Think about my advice not what I actually did (see my story). I wish just one person would have taken me a side and spelled it out to me why being a witness was like always being on a losing team.

  • jgnat

    I have a reading assignment for you, "Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor Frankl. It is a bit of a heavy read, but you are of an age ripe for deep thoughts.

    To fight the feelings of helplessness, make a list of things you CAN do. An anonymous blog for instance.

  • rebel8

    Death is very natural and not something to be feared.

    What career choices are you considering?

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome! Thanks for introducing yourself to the English-speaking ex-JW world.

    You will experience a storm of emotions. You're going from youth to adulthood. And you're going from JW captivity to freedom. Don't let fears of mortality cause you to live in depression and fear. Life is something to embrace and enjoy.

    If you're really concerned about choosing a career, you need to honestly evaluate your aptitude, interests, and strengths. My advice to any young person is to start by looking at careers in health, engineering, or something else in science/math.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    They still say to commit yourself to your passion. It will work better in the long run. I had several passions and pursued one. I graduated college into the worst recession since the Great Depression - until now. I suggest combining a passion with skills that are sought in the job market. Sometimes unlikely combinations works out very well.

    The US govt has -I think that it is- a Labor Department lsiting of occupational categories, skills needed, and forecast for how strong demand will be. My teachers encouraged me to go to college. I always loved school. Financial aid was generous. Sometimes I think college is pushed too strongly for everyone. There are many skilled trades - carpenter, violin maker, etc. - that can rake in even more money and have prestige.

    I don't think anyone wakes up one day and suddenly believes the Witnesses are wrong. A small part of me still wonders if they are right -- the longer I am out, the less the fear is. I had absolutely no rational belief. In fact, I never expect to survive the big A. How could any human ever be perfect enough! Nevertheless, I was fearful for all of 1975.

    Your library should have some career guidance books. I heartily recommend Richard Bolles, What Color is Your Parachute, the world's leading career book. I've read Viktor Frankl's Man's Search for Meaning a few times. It can be a life changer. I found C.S. Lewis, a Christian writer, helpful. His main books were Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters. He also wrote children's books for adult. The most famous series is the Narnia Chronicles. I found so much to help me cope and good humor reading them.

  • Flat_Accent

    sent you a PM will-be-apostate,

    check your envelope in the top right.

    It's more about your post, and less about the title.

  • Quandry

    Welcome, will be.

    Please don't feel bad about the is devastating to find out that what we so sincerely believed is not true after all, and that we, like all others before us, will die. But you are young and hopefully that will not happen for a long time. Please formulate some goals for yourself. If you go to college, and I strongly suggest you do, you will have to take some core classes that teach you just general stuff. Perhaps you will find something that you are really interested in and start going down this path.

    Please do not go to the Kingdom Hall and stand up and start telling everyone they are wrong. For one thing, you need to get some more facts for yourself. Keep doing some research. Using your mind will help you to feel less depressed and keep you focused.

    Also, please do not use freedom as an excuse for dangerous conduct that you will regret later. You don't have to be a Witness to be a good and caring person.

  • Jumba123

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