Got my Privileges Removed today, any advice?

by mrbunyrabit 102 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    I'm still just trying to figure out your handle... like if it's a combination of puny and bunny? which case, I salute you.

    I wouldn't fret about the loss of any imaginary authority or importance in a group that considers the Genesis account to be historical fact.

  • wallsofjericho

    they even USED the word "DELETED" like imp just a name you can delete, just like that, there you, you are the weakest link, goodbye..

    yup. that's what you (we) are. You didn't think anything more than that did you?

  • exwhyzee

    Should you appeal the decision to remove you as a M.S ?

    The fact that you are on this site and the fact that you even have to ask, should be answer enough.

  • wallsofjericho

    ive always viewed the option to write a letter as less of an appeal to 'fairness' and more of humble test for those disciplined.

    basically along the lines as what Billy said. they are beating you into submission - the BOE doing may not directly realize that this is the case (since they are brainwashed) but that is what the WTS knows they are doing and why they do it.

    if you accept your discipline you are humble, if you write a letter then your not humble. Simple

  • redvip2000

    I had a friends of mine which at some point, was made a MS by the local elders, and he remained a MS for a few months. Then once the CO visited the congregation he went over everybody's records and saw that his preaching hours were below 10 hours, so he removed him as a MS despite what the local elders thought. Really goes to show you that preaching hours are the main barometer of how apt you are to have any sort of responsability in the congo, regardless of what other gifts or abilities you might have. I'm pretty sure that if there was a chimp who could go to a door and hand out magazines and go do this for at least 10 hours a month, he would be made a MS in no time.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    I'm pretty sure that if there was a chimp who could go to a door and hand out magazines and go do this for at least 10 hours a month, he would be made a MS in no time.

    Well I see you've read my bio.

  • mrbunyrabit

    "Then once the CO visited the congregation he went over everybody's records and saw that his preaching hours were below 10 hours, "

    o.O Damn, Thats kinda spot on... The CO was here last week... So yea, guess the preaching is the biggest things..

    Think ill just be a plain old brother till i can figure out what the hell's going on with my messed up believe system, get my head straight on, and to figure out if im really just a bad person ("i mean look where i am") and the holy spirit just kicked my ass...

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    That's a good idea. No shame in being Joe Publisher while you sort things out. Next stop:

  • Soldier77

    Use your anger and rage productively. Research your questions, get your answers to them. Look deeper into why they do what they do and hide what they hide. Use your anger to focus on those things that make your hair stand on end.

    You have just been given an out to fade. Use it wisely. Use the excuse that the way they handled the situation cause you to lose faith in the organization and you are discouraged, if officially asked where you've been. Trust me, having privileges ripped from you because of some BS excuse is perfect to play the fade game with. It's worked for me and I've been "fading" for a couple years now. I have been officially inactive for 1 1/2 years. I still can associate with my family still in.

    Good luck!

  • Giordano

    The trend for a lot of people today, a Pew survy puts it at 1.3 Billion is to have no denomination, no contact with any particular religion. Only a small percentage of that number consider themselves as total non believers. In the USA one of the fastest growing group of 'nons' is in the 20 to 50 age bracket. Among JW born-ins 67% have stopped associating.

    Just thought you should know that a lot of people have had questions and have found other ways to be decent, hard working people without any affiliation. is the perfect next step!

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