Tomorrow's Watchtower Study: Steve hits Selma in North America... not South America

by Alfred 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • outsmartthesystem

    Cedars - I've not tried your make-weight scenario in such a direct fashion yet but I like how you've worded it. One day, when the timing is right...I'll give it a shot. Knowing her.....I think she'll come back with "those weren't falsehoods.....they were 'past truths'. I don't consider it to be a falsehood if it accomplishes Jehovah's purpose at that time". To which I would respond with "and what did this non-truth accomplish?" To which she will respond with "we'll see in the future....but obviously the organization is growing so for whatever reason....even though we no longer believe it.....what was taught back then was the proper food for the brothers AT THAT TIME".

    Either that or she'll turn to the account of Isaac getting tricked by Jacob. Isaac wanted to give his blessing to Esau.....but that sneaky Jacob tricked his old man! Thus Jehovah ended up blessing Jacob instead. The moral of the story? Jehovah approved of Jacob's trickery. If Jehovah approved of deceit coming from a faithful servant there's no reason not to believe that Jehovah wouldn't likewise approve of a few mistakes coming from his modern day faithful servant.


  • InquiryMan

    Not only the family books were altered. No reference ever has been made to corporal punichsment in e.g. the Norwegian editions of WT and Awake and other literature since corporal punishment was outlawed in the early 80s.

    Thus, such behaviour never take place in the KHs either. And even prior to that some JWs did not like that kind of child upbringing. People are of course influenced of the cultural atmosphere they live in.

  • cedars

    outsmartthesystem - in that case, before using the "makeweight scenario", have a couple of scriptures primed in your bible...

    Titus 1:2 "God... cannot lie"

    Psalm 31:5 "Jehovah the God of truth"

    If she says "ah, but that's saying Jehovah doesn't lie, what about his holy spirit?" then ask her if she correctly understands the relationship between God and the holy spirit according to Jehovah's Witnesses.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    I don't recall the details, but I believe there was an instance in which the Italian translation committee was taken to task over their translated version of an English text.

  • tornapart

    I don't know about the spanish version but the italian version uses the term 'mettere le mani addosso'.. although it literally means 'laying hands on' it usually does have the meaning of hitting someone.

  • wallsofjericho

    what do you tell a JW wife with 2 black eyes? Nothing she hasn't been told twice already! :)

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