I Hate Jehovah's Witnesses, and I Eat Small Children for Breakfast

by Dogpatch 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    happy days randy - will come around again I'm sure...

    meantime remember this: see randy wearing shoes, dressed up for dinner - I didn't get the memo :-) plus it was my local, my rules

  • Dogpatch

    Our neighborhood... The pretty girl at the bottom is Chaton, whom some of you get lathered over when my phone rings at I'm not around, her sultry voice is on my answering machine. :-)) I have known her for about 17 years or more, and she can walk in any bar or club in the South bay, get all free drinks, and even take a crowd of girls in without waiting in the long line. She is a movie producer and writer.


    She also played a little girl in her own movie. :-))

    Which also starred Adrienne Barbau and Coolio had a 2-minute part playing a cop busting the kids in the old convent, then stealing their joints and smoking them himself. :-))


    Oh, here's the link to the Youtube trailer, or you will all bug me. You will see Chaton at first playing the young blond girl hiding as the main star lites up the action. Look for her.


    She once was a reporter for The Economist (based in London I believe) and traveled to Vietnam, etc. She still knocks out the boys, and can out-talk and outsurf half the neighborhood. Her movie is "The Convent, " and I would put the trailer up but it is schlock horror and the first 3 minutes would stand you hair on end in horror and disgust, not good for small children. :-)) She is the only one that helps me with the Free Minds Journal for the last 8-10 years.

    1997 being put in my place, with Rob Sullivan (former Bethel roommate who still lives upstairs) and Marcia Murray biting/kissing me (she's my secretary), Robert Rivera, my original Treasurer in the white shirt next to me, and Brian in front, who grew up in Manhattan Beach and started going to my church. The pic below was also taken in 1997, and our old big house we rent is in the background. I have two rooms to myself, one is a kitchen turned into an office, and I can block myself out of the rest of the house (except to go use the bathroom) because I have my own entrance as well (that's what you call seniority :-))

    Going back to 1970-72, my girlfriend Renee' (on left, below, with her sister back in Florida) as I was heading into Bethel soon. She AND I both got our mothers, sister and brothers-in-law into the WT. As far as I know, Renee' is married and still in it. We wanted to get married, but she didn't want to wait for my 4 years of Bethel to get married. Can't blame her, she was a beauty. We both became Witnesses together (she was a Rosicrucian but liked the Catholic Church).

    Hi Apotheiosis,

    I bought a used board after leaving Bethel, but I don't swim real good so I took up bodysurfing after a year or so. I like the feel of the water with my body, and I don't like paraphenalia. Except I am a licensed suba diver and for a few years, up until a year ago, a couple and their two sons lived on a 70 foot yacht at the Redono Beach Harbor.Charles taught me, along with his wife

    All my buds like to go to Costa Rica and other places down south of Calif., never North. Huntington is right next to Newport Beach, and I lived right on the beach there when I was in high School, with my girlfriend and 2 buds in a 3 bedroom house overlooking the water at 15th street, night to the big Catholic Church, where my girlfriend used to go at times.

    Paul, that was about as dressed up as I get... but I recall you, Andrew and Bertie having the time of your lives out on the beach.

    You must come back Paul. It's in yer blood now!


  • Bubblegum Apotheosis
    Bubblegum Apotheosis

    The water past Ventura starts to get colder, your not missing much, unless you want to put on your 3mm suit, 4/3 for above San Simeon, Ca. You body surf "The Wedge"? I smashed my face on that neck snapping break! Hunington Pier, great memories and lots of skateboarding during the big drought in the 1970s, remember all the empty pools, when water was scarce? Idiots like me and my friends would skate in near La Mirada, there use to be a nice water drainage way. Your photos bring back wild memories to anyone who lived in Orange County, Los Angeles County (Redondo Beach, Seal Beach). Sorry your girlfriend did not wait, four years was not a huge wait, she was a hottie!

  • Dogpatch

    Well, what can I say. I missed out on a lot in life for the Watchtower. No, I had no need to travel, as El Porto is usually a hot spot for medium-sized waves. But one of the four long-haired kids in the collage above lives in Ventura, and takes the most INCREDIBLE surf shots you have ever seen! Let me see if I can find his Facebook page...

    in the meantime here's another poor quality trailer from Chaton's movie. I have some real good quality versions - those are really dark and poor quality.


    Here's Tood's Facebook page. See if you can see his collection of photos, (make sure you scroll down his entire first page, the pics will blow you away. When he lived in our hood, he was a skinny little guy... he's really buffed up a lot now.



  • Dogpatch

    My latest collage I put together on Youtube... had to replace the original soundtrack.


  • Dogpatch

    Jgnat, I've been holding my breath for two years, surprise us with what you got. You're the best.


  • moshe

    Looks like you pulled a late nighter, Randy.

  • Dogpatch

    OK the Youtube above was a bit harsh. Nuns and priests die. Then they become demons years later. But it's a spoof horror movie written by a girl who was raised in a Catholic school in Arizona. She knew very well the inner shemes of power leaders. In real life, she has no animosity towards Catholics, just when they abuse others - there you see the more complete story in the second trailer, which is still very poor quality. Actually I just found a funnier version of the same theme on Youtube in Portuguese! (One of my neighbors is from Portugal).

    Enjoy, it's "G" rated compared to Chaton's version. I'd like your take on it.

    I love Catholics, so drop the idea that I have the same feelings towards them as the Watchtower leadership and their psychological abuse. Hey, kick me, beat me, and light me on fire... at least I know who you really are. But this is an ode to deceptive, nice looking but stone-cold faced autocrats who are a smalll minority in any religion... they just need to be put in jail like Jimmy Swaggart, and experience a little "manhandling" themselves.

    Sort of like the most deceptive of decision makers at Bethel that costs thousands of lives on the operating table. It's ashamed that this country is so ignorant of cults that they allow them to not even have to do bookkeeping that would expose them as frauds in a minute. Speaking of which I will add a new Scientology Youtube of Tory Magoo, a dear friend of mine, who will tell you anything you want to know about that religion, and has the respect of both Sci-togs as well as former members.

    Why? Because she is HONEST and has a heart of gold, and whose only purpose in life is to expose bullies. I don't have a heart of "gold," I am merely (as the origins of the name "Randy" indicate, am merely a Shield Wolf, who gains little from his work but for the protection of those he is destined to protect... yet remains aloof from the actual pack itself, with all it's infighting.

    You can credit the Baptists and certain fine Jehovah's Witnesses for giving me the balls to stand up to this... and even more so my own dear deceased dad. His spirit never leaves me. We could spend years apart and just get togehter with the family and it was if as no time had passed at all.


    This is Hollywood folks... I am surrounded by this stuff all the time. You know you love it. Surely you know that even Tarantino doesn't take himself so seriously.

    Here it is:

    Stinky Cat - Gone With The Convent




    [how do you successfully embed Youtubes here? It seems arbitrary]

    This, althopugh Brazilian, is more like a Josh.O parody or something.

  • Dogpatch

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