Would mankind be better off without religion today ? A topical debate .

by Finkelstein 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    This is an interesting debate paneled by people representing both pro and con aspects of religion as a ideological concept in human sociality.


  • Finkelstein

    Another debate on the same topic, interesting as well .


  • Perry
  • Finkelstein

    Perry, nothing intellectually enlightening to express toward this topical debate, not to be insulting ?

    Only a unrelated and childish ad hominem attack on Richard Dawkins ........really !

  • mP

    Religion has always been a tool to manipulate, steal or send the masses to die on behalf of God's appointed king or ruler. Take a look at the OT, its mostly the story of a the king and priests trying to con the poor to pay food and taxes to the church and king. Theres even a whole book about priests (Leviticus) but barely a dozen words about helping the poor, respecting to women or even banishing slavery.

    Theres a simple proof that the Bible is nothing more than a con game written by rich to enslave the poor, slavery. WOld a great god of the universe want or need slaves for his chosen people ? Of course not, if he wanted to help them farm etc he could have just told them how to build machines. THe fact that the Bible has slavery justified is proof its jsut an instrument of the rich. Just like the mega churches today ask for donations the priests of Israel did the same. Its the oldest con in the world.

    There is no morality in the Bible, thats the second biggest lie ever told. Again look at Deu 22:28 or slavery. Strange how God thinks its ok for men to take and rape virgins simply because some other man has not beaten them to it.

  • Perry

    Dawkins is not consistent. He believes in intelligent design if it comes from aliens but not from anywhere else. He says he's an atheist, is described as the worlds foremost atheist, until you pin him down on how he can know.... then he changes his description of himself to agnostic. He's a creepy character in my opinion.

    Your question is like asking if the world would be better off without atheism. I don't want to live in a world where freedom is eliminated for anyone.

  • Finkelstein

    Did you at least watch the video or are just surmising some preconceived knowledge that you've already watched it ?

    Ironic that you find Dawkins creepy when most people here find you somewhat disheveled with a level of creepiness, but nevertheless.

    Interesting to note also is that after and during the debate the question was posed to the audience, at the end of debate the results

    were shown up on the big screen behind the debaters, the results were in favor of the motion that humanity would be better off

    without religion, more so after the debate .... ummmmm ??? that says something doesn't it Perry ?

  • Shanagirl



  • Fernando

    Nearly 500 years ago we got started trying "freedom of religion".

    Is it now time to give "freedom from religion" a go?

    As a SBNR (Spiritual But Not Religious) simple Jesus follower, and person of faith, I vote yes!

  • vanyell

    Hmm... Question, did Communism/Marxism/Leninism/Stalinism/Maoism made it better for those living under their shadows??? They are "godless" ideologies, religion is the opiate of the masses... Guess what happened next....

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