Is it me or is that ewatchman guy way too negative?

by Inisc 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • whathehadas

    Also like Randy says, "He must have some bucks", cause he makes real good quality videos with the equipment he's got. I can't stomach to listen to anything he says anymore. I look up his topics he started on here as "You Know" and virtually every topic was about Doom! He had one topic about Apostates being doomed. I liked seven006 response to him that sums him up good.

    So let me get this straight. We are the bad guys but you are a good bad guy. The Israelites use to be the good guys but they turned into the bad guys and now the JW's are the good guys except for the ones who act like the original good guys that became the bad guys. The sheriff is going to get the new bad guys like he got the old bad guys to keep the new good guys from becoming the new bad guys. You are like a deputy of the sheriff and you are telling the bad guys that the good guys are only bad if they stop being good guys because of the bad guys lying to them about the sheriff.

    The sheriff is going to kill the bad good guys and the bad bad guys because something is going to happen to the town and the good guys are going to look like bad guys. You could tell the good guys about not becoming bad guys but you forgot your home work so the bad guys can't cheat off of your papers and find all the right answers so that they might possibly become good guys again. When the big test comes and the bad guys didn't get all the answers right because you wouldn't let the bad guys cheat off your home work and you could have shown your home work to the good guys but you can't because they are in special class and wouldn't understand your home work so pretty much the good guys are as screwed as the bad guys. Is that right?

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    yea that sums it up

  • Perry
    He even tried to get in nice with me when he first started his new front. Amazing!

    I remember You Know. Really LONG posts. There was also a poster here for a while known as Amazing. You are not suggesting that they were one and the same are you? Maybe I read into this statement wrong.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    He is a dumb ass, Watchtower Annointed wannabe idiot.

    He writes nonsense that makes the Wt look absolutely mainstream. He is a doomsayer that won't stop.

    It is all about him.

    Did I mention he is a dumb ass?


  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    But one thing it does show. No matter how lame the message is, or the character of the person behind the message, there are still people that will follow.

  • Dogpatch

    No, I don't know about Amazing, sorry.

    Even if you had no idea what he is up to now, you have GOT to read the posts he used to make on this board. He trashed many people, especially women. Viciously.

    I posted back at him like no one I ever have before for his cruelty. I can't stand bullies, and I will go WAY out of my way to expose them.


  • Inisc

    Yeah people do get sucked in. I guess it sounds convincing. Just like at first, the WT seems to have all the answers.

    At first, so does King.

    Then you realise he's another doomsday cultist WTesque prophet.

  • TD
    He went under the handle of "You Know," and represented one of the meanest, cruelist persons on this board. He continually trashed a lot of people like he was some angry dad, and they would be destroyed at Armageddon if they didn't comply. Aren't his posts still archived under "You Know," ?

    In the late 90's He posted on the old H20 forum under that handle as well. His style was very similar to djeggnog today, only meaner. I've got a lot of that stuff archived somewhere.

    He predicted global economic collapse in 1998 and 1999 and then jumped on the Y2K bandwagon with both feet. When that failed to occur, he pulled the oldest trick in the doomsday prognosticator's toolkit. --A calendaring trick. 2001 didn't pan out for him either.

  • Nambo

    Mind you, he is part of the reason I sold my ISAs and endowment and put it all into silver and gold, Ive made a fortune, thanks e-Watchman!

  • TOTH

    The first time I heard him he struck me as a guy that likes to do all the talking.

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