Zone Overseer visit, Anthony Morris, in Canada

by Quarterback 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Night Owl
    Night Owl
    Why does not turning a time slip mean a person is not preaching? Why worry about the "inactive" since judging is god's purview not his or anyone on earth.



  • Quarterback

    Only a coma would exclude you from that Preaching assignment.

    I guess that condemns, the people suffering from Depression, Shut ins, and who knows.

    So, these will die at Armageddon, and yet, a resurection will come for those that never believed. Just think about it, the one that shut that door on a JW, dies, and the JW is discouraged about that and doesn't witness anymore. The inactive JW dies at armageddon, and the one that slamed the door comes back in the resurrection. It sounds justifiable, eh?

  • Night Owl
    Night Owl

    Preaching 24 hours a day will not make "the end" come any sooner.

    It is a "fixed date".


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "Or, are you the one that fishes to feed you, and your family?"

    That tells you a lot about Tony. This is his meal ticket. He's nothing more than a janitor that became "anointed" simply be nibbling crackers and sipping wine once per year. After that, he got his job on the GB by kissing the right asses. Now he looks out over the crowd of dubs like they are his personal fish dinner.

    "Many are ________ ...that's not enduring"

    Yeah, throw anything in that list, like:

    Many are going to university-educated doctors instead of getting healed by "anointed" Christians ...that's not enduring

    Many are questioning the truthiness of the "overlapping generations" teaching ...that's not enduring

    The guy has delusions of grandeur, thinking that he's personally "anointed" by God. Last time I heard him speak, he had this type of attitude "If I say it, then it must be true!" After the program, I was tempted to go say 'hi', since he would certainly remember me from bethel. I about puked when I saw this long line of dubs, queued up to shake his hand like he was the pope of Rome.

    He's just a few synaptic connections away from believing he's Napoleon.

  • steve2
    He's just a few synaptic connections away from believing he's Napoleon.

    What a vivid picture Billy. Napoleon was of short stature - even by the day's standards (kind of like Tom Cruise - but less ridiculous.

    I know what you mean by the fawning attitude of many JWs when they "spiritually connect" with a supposedly "gifted" speaker. So easily impressed, so quick to double standards of adulation. If JWs saw this happen in one of churches of Christendom, they'd talk about church members being followers of men rather than followers of God. Yet when they do it, they ignorantly make room for it.

  • bats in the belfry
    bats in the belfry

    Quarterback >>

    Brother Morris entered the pioneer service in 1971 in the United States. In December of that year, he married Susan, and they continued pioneering for nearly four years until the birth of their first son, Jesse. In time, they had another son, Paul. Brother Morris reentered the full-time service in 1979 as a regular pioneer. His wife joined him when the boys entered school. The family served where the need was great in Rhode Island and North Carolina, in the United States. In North Carolina, Brother Morris served as a substitute circuit overseer, and the boys took up regular pioneer service. Jesse and Paul were invited to the United States branch at the age of 19. Meanwhile, Brother Morris began circuit work. Then, in 2002 he and Susan were invited to Bethel, starting their new assignment on August 1. Brother Morris worked in the Service Department at Patterson and later as a helper to the Service Committee of the Governing Body.

    In addition to these two new members, the Governing Body consists of C. W. Barber; J. E. Barr; S. F. Herd; M. S. Lett; G. Lösch; T. Jaracz; G. H. Pierce; A. D. Schroeder; D. H. Splane; and D. Sydlik. All members of the Governing Body are anointed Christians.

    w06 3/15 p. 26 / New Members of the Governing Body

  • Quarterback

    Thanks for the info Bats.

  • cedars

    Can somebody connect the dots for me? I feel like I've slipped into an alternate reality. Maybe I've been watching too much Fringe lately.

    If Anthony Morris is a GB member, what the hell is he doing attending a zone visit? I thought the role of the zone overseer was to visit branches and then report back to the GB on how they're progressing. Surely there's little point reporting back to the GB if a GB member tags along and can do this himself. Or is Morris now moonlighting as a zone overseer because they're low on staff?!

    FYI - for all you hardcore Anthony Morris the Third fans out there, he will be the special guest at the much-anticipated Special Assembly / 9-day "No lame ones allowed" pygama party at the Dublin City University Hotel in July. Provided you have a big wallet, a spotless reputation in the congregation and no physical impairments - you are welcome to attend and rub shoulders with Anthony himself.


  • Quarterback

    The way it was explained to us in the introductory remarks, was.

    The Zone Overseer, is a representation GB. Occasionally they will send him or a member of the GB themselves. They are investigation the branch, and offering suggestions and or recommendations.

    The GB member started in saying that many on the GB loves Canadians, and they are taking turns to visit Canada, because Canadians are easy to love.

    Sorry Cedars, if you`re not feeling that love where you are.

  • iclone

    I could have gone-got the invite. (shocker) Instead I went to rock concert. I could have gone to take notes at this ridiculous pep rally but I am SO HAPPY I made better use of my time!

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