
by apostate man 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    I have been reading some things about Free Masonry and how some say Russell was a Mason. I have been skeptical up to this point but I am now finding more information that says this may be true.

    Why in the world would an organization that teaches against idols and flags etc., use a pyramid at the grave of its founder????

    If Russell founded the organization on bogus material, then aren't all JW's following the wrong leader, so to speak?

    I am also uncovering some similarities between Russell and his roots, and the Mormon roots(Brigham Young & Joseph Smith). I will have to learn more about this before I make any statements.

    Here is one site that (truthfully?) tells the tale about Russells Masons.

    How conveniant would it be, that Free Masons had indeed come up with two, or at least one, false religions to pull people away from true christianity? It makes a lot of sense.

    Thanks for reading the above and remember, always add pepper to your vomit BEFORE you lap it back up. mmmmm good

  • larc

    What is false religion and what is true Christianity?

  • Satanus


    Ya, the details don't prove that he was a mason, but the big picture fits that statement, and freemasonic goals. Whether he was a mason or not, he served their purposes.


  • apostate man
    apostate man

    False religion= A religion MADE UP (BY MAN)to pull people away from the truth, as the bible speaks about.

    True Christianity= A belief that Jesus was more than just a man. JW's beliefs are much different than the rest.

    Iarc, I would hope to think you would know this since you have over 4000 posts.

    How about the two questions I asked?

    Russell was fascinated with pyramids and this is how he came up with the year 1914.

    Thanks for reading the above and remember, always add pepper to your vomit BEFORE you lap it back up. mmmmm good

  • larc

    Apostate Man,

    I have been through this Mason thing several times now. The Masons are quite different than the JWs. They except members from all religions. The only requirenment is that you believe in God. They do much community and charitable work, which, of course, the Witnesses do not. They also have a lot more fun. Since they are a fairly small group, I can't see that they are part of some kind of conspiracy.

  • Cygnus

    : Why in the world would an organization that teaches against idols and flags etc., use a pyramid at the grave of its founder????

    First, the pyramid is not over Russell's grave.

    Secondly, where is your evidence that the WTS put that pyramid there? Yes, I know "Watch Tower Society" is written on the thing, but did you ever consider that perhaps someone else was actually responsible for putting the pyramid there, not the Society?

    : Russell was fascinated with pyramids and this is how he came up with the year 1914.

    Russell was fascinated with the _Great Pyramid_, and he used its measurements to _cooberate_ the calculations he admittedly had _borrowed_ from Nelson Barbour many years before his Pyramid investigations in order to arrive at the 1914 date.

    Do more research, and don't believe everything you read on anti-JW websites. It is also noteworthy that Russell said and wrote on several different occasions that he was rather umfamiliar and ignorant of Masonic rituals, customs, and behavior. Why? Because he was never a Mason.

  • larc

    Like anyone who starts something new, this new creation has historical roots. In Russels' case, he borrowed ideas from several places. It would be fairer to say that he was most influenced by the Millerites, who became the Seventh Day Advenists. They were big into Biblical number crunching and end times predictions.

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    I never said the pyramid was over his grave. It is close by.

    I quote from a site "It is in the "Rosemont United Cemeteries at Allegheny, in the Bethel Family plot, according to his request." (Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose, 1959, p. 62)". So, yeah, I bet your right Cygnus, WT had absolutely no part in putting those words on the pyramid, even though he was the founder.

    Here are some pics.

    Only a leader of a cult would come up with a date that foretold the beginning of the end, say it is from God and the bible that says so, and when in fact he used a man made pyramid to come up with the date to begin with.

    "Do more research, and don't believe everything you read on anti-JW websites. It is also noteworthy that Russell said and wrote on several different occasions that he was rather umfamiliar and ignorant of Masonic rituals, customs, and behavior. Why? Because he was never a Mason". You need to do a little more research yourself before you defend something your not completely familiar with.

    I have done research on Russell. A very intelligent person who accomplished his mission.

    One more thing. There are a lot of cults out there that use pyramids as a foundation of their beliefs.

    I have no problem with pyramids. They are man made structures used to house the dead. Its when you use a passage way in a pyramid to forecast a date, say it complies with Gods word, call yourself the chosen one and prophet, that I have the problem with.

    Thanks for reading the above and remember, always add pepper to your vomit BEFORE you lap it back up. mmmmm good

  • apostate man
    apostate man

    Cygnus, Just in case my last post went over your head, here is the just.

    Here is your quote, "Secondly, where is your evidence that the WTS put that pyramid there? Yes, I know "Watch Tower Society" is written on the thing, but did you ever consider that perhaps someone else was actually responsible for putting the pyramid there, not the Society?"

    Consider this, The land is owned by WT, it is a cemetary, there is a pyramid, the founder of WT is buried there. Do you really think that the WT would allow a third party to place a pyramid by Russells grave? Maybe I will put a cross up there and write a few good words about the ole man. NOT!

    Thanks for reading the above and remember, always add pepper to your vomit BEFORE you lap it back up. mmmmm good

  • chasson

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