My wife is going to her assembly today.

by I quit! 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Knowsnothing

    Snore fest. Jgnat's observations are spot on. It's the same crap of every year; preach more, pioneer more, go along with everything the elders say or Jehovah will be sad and retire his spirit, etc.

    Those damn baptism questions (dedication to an organization).... why didn't I ever notice?

    They had this poor old Bethelite 80-something-year old pray that the aging Governing Body be given blessings by Jehovah to continue doing their arduous work.

  • baltar447

    Fernando, you did the right thing. You listened to that voice inside you, your subconscious(or soul if you believe that) that told you the most right thing you could do with that money. Instead of giving it to a greedy corporation you have it to someone truly in need.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    try and hold down the vomit when she comes homes and exclaims that the end is even sooner than they thought

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's more likely mine will be very quiet about it, Wha.

  • WTWizard

    More rubbish. They come up with the same rubbish about letting Jehovah's will take priority and sacrificing yourself to make room for it. Since when is that spiritually upbuilding? My advice: Spending some quality time alone with a Ouija board, a black candle lit and in a quiet room, will do far more to upbuild you spiritually than wasting a lifetime listening to this spiritually deadening rubbish.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    They just keep doling out the same rubbish over and over again.

    At least the original garbage had texture but now it's been rehashed so many times it's kinda like processed cheese, it has absolutely no nutritional value and may seem like a good idea at the time but will probably give you ass burning diarrhea.

  • LostGeneration

    What is amazing is how they walk out of there saying it was the best assembly ever...

    Even when I was a full-on JW, I pretty much ran out of each assembly cursing the fact I had wasted a perfectly good day.

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