Letter about using iPads at meetings

by under the radar 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    My guess is that soon the WT is going to hand down some ‘new light’ on the use of IPads and other such divices at meetings. I’ve noticed at both a recent CA as well as in the congregation I attend young and old alike are using the IPad more and more. I’ve seen many kids as young as 8 years old with their own IPads sitting at meetings. That’s scary to me! It looks like the Great Teacher book, coloring books and the Bible itself on the laps of young ones are going by way of the dinosaur.

  • PrincessCynic

    I can confirm that this letter has been sent out in the UK too.

    Gotta love their wacky rules

  • Chariklo

    I'm trying to visualise them all in the KH with their iPads.

    I'm having a problem.

    There they all are, Watchtowers and pens at the ready, Bibles on the other knee, each one industriously scanning all the underlining and notes covering their own pages while making sure others can see their pages while surreptitiously they're peeking at their neighbours to see who's managed to get everything covered with as many notes as possible...and who hasn't prepared properly?

    Where is the iPad going to get a look in? Or even a Kindle?

    My mind is boggling.

  • cedars

    iPads seem to be featuring heavily in the organization's more recent propaganda. This image is on JW.org's latest article...

    ipads and magazines

    I'm not sure what a penniless pioneer who missed out on a proper education to "seek first the kingdom" would make of it all...

    Notice how, in the above picture, the nice friendly-looking Awake! magazine neatly covers the image of impending doom on the latest Watchtower front cover.


  • tresdecu

    If the dubs were to use iPads they couldn't show off how many different colored highlighters they used during their personal study...and how full the margins are with hand written scriptures.

  • solomon

    Its all about the money. if the wt can save a buck or two on printing and shipping costs more for their retirement fund

  • 00DAD

    This image is on JW.org's latest article ...

    So now the WT Corp. has a product placement deal with Apple!

    Figures ...

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    “If the dubs were to use iPads they couldn't show off how many different colored highlighters they used during their personal study...and how full the margins are with hand written scriptures.”


    When you find an Ipad at a yard sale with highlighter marks all over the screen, what does that tell you?

    Marvin Shilmer


  • Quarterback

    The Society has a website that allows you to download it's publications. It seems to be open to the use of the IPAD, but the standard for the platform is still behind the times. It seems that Elders will have to use the Large size Bibles for the platform.

    It sure would lessen our load if we could just bring a regular size Bible, and Ipad to replace all of the publications we need to bring to the meetings.

  • Finkelstein

    Whats the problem, brainwashing works on both printed paper and electronic devises ?

    You know back in the mid 80's the WTS. used to say that computers were excessive evils, they even quoted bible Scriptures

    that said something about to those who build towers on their own, wish I kept those articles, they would open a view eyes today.

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