it just blows me away!

by stillin 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stillin

    A friendly group of young people came in the drive yesterday. They all got out with smiles and said that they were looking to put canned food into the "food bank," I assumed for people who need to eat. I wasn't sure what my wife could part with from the pantry but surely we could gather SOMETHING for somebody who has much less! My righteous wife came out the door and asked what the cause was, WHAT food bank? Of course it had to be one associated with a local church, so NO WAY! Begone all of you!

    I felt embarrased that we are affiliated with a religion that would see things that way. Meanwhile my wife berates me for "falling for it!"


    Ahhh. The quandry of donations to charitable organizations or those in need.

    Prior to coming into the "Truth", I had liked to donate a little change or $ bills here and there. In school I volunteered with Kiwaniis. But since being in the Org we were reprogrammed that we should not donate not only monitarily but physically to any causes, well, all that went out the window. Afterall, the D-T-D work was the best to save people's life right, and then Jah will take care of them in the new system?

    Huh. Funny how things are. In the middle of cleaning out a storage unit last weekend, I finally put on a bumper sticker I had for about a year. It reads: SINCE WHEN DID HELPING THE POOR BECOME A SIN? A few days later, on a break from work, I get off the highway, and there is a woman standing there, sign in hand, "PLEASE HELP~SINGLE MOTHER." I drove past her to pull up to the STOP sign. I had $10 I was going to use for lunch, but immediately my conscious pulled me. I beeped my horn in two short burts, and put the car in reverse. I rolled down my window, cars now lining up behind me, and said, "Here you go", handing her $5.00. She said, "God Bless You". I said, "Thank you", and went on my way.

    Now, do I really think God is going to hold it against me because I gave that woman a little $? Whether or not she was going to use it for food or alcohol was her decision. I prayed she used it towards something good. Still, "if we have the means to do good and fail to do it, it is a sin".

    I remember my very first talk was about a car wash and fund-raiser and how WRONG it was. How friggin ludicrous! That was another thing I didn't fully understand. If we are such a loving Org, how can we ignore the plight of people, just ignoring them as if they were apostates, not even handing them small change? If they use it for drugs, etc., that is between them and God. I'd like to think better of people. Well, that's my thought.

    And my last one is...I am sitting here watching finches eating out of two bird feeders. Do you know WHY they are eating out of the bird feeders? Because I put food in there for them. As JW's, that WAS something we could do. Feed the animals. Now how fucking crazy is it that we can feed animals, but how DARE WE assist to feed another human being. And yes, Stillin...that blows me away, too.

    I thank GOD I can now volunteer and help people, in one way or another without feeling guilty. THAT is love, not the shit they're serving on a platter.

  • Chariklo

    Well said, AK!

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    I find it disgusting how witlesses feel they are the only one's doing good; ya know unlike those other wicked charities who feed the starving with real food, clothe the poor with actual clothing, house the homeless with existent lodging and really try to help people in a tangible way.

    Hypocrites! Must be nice to tuck yourself in at night, thinking your “saving” people, when you’re not helping at all.

  • Disillusioned Lost-Lamb
    Disillusioned Lost-Lamb

    @AK: Kudos! There is a big meth problem where I live so I usually don't give money, but when I can I'll go to the store and give them a bag of groceries.

    And no I don't feel guilty because I didn't take the money I spent and waste in the connned-tribution box at the king-dumb-hell; in fact I feel happy that I may have actually helped someone.

  • jam

    Come on folks, the witnessess are not that bad.

    They give magazines free of charge in countries like

    Ethiopia, now it,s up to them(poor starved kid) to use it for food, kindle

    or toilet paper.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    So much for caring for widows and orphans in their need.

  • the_raisin

    Here's a little gem of a story :

    Back when I was still a teenager and living with my parents, we hit a rough patch economically speaking. My parents were not working, I couldn't work, we had no income coming in, and no food. So my parents decided to be 'screw it, we need HELP' and went to food banks that were held in Catholic churches or other religious affiliations. Thank 'GOD' for their decision, because that food went a long way and kept us fed. They didn't care if were were JWs or what race we were, they saw the need and they gave.

    Well, months later a couple of other JW families from our congregation also went through a rough patch. I remember one of those families had no food whatsoever for their kids or themselves, and it was a very sad situation. We could not give much since we were struggling as well, and my mom finally told them to go and ask for help, go to food banks etc. Their response? A loud NO. They would not accept help because you know, them being from other religions and all that. The other family I believe did end up going after realizing the brothers and sisters who 'loved' them didn't want to give them squat.

    To this day I wonder what was going on in that family's head (the ones who allowed their kids to go to bed hungry instead of going to the food banks). It's sad, but apparently there are JW who are fanatic enough to do such a thing. And the worst part is, the congregation knew of the needs, but most wouldn't help out, because they didn't like them.


    Hey Raisin

    I could definitely believe all of what you said. Like Billy stated, "so much for orphans and widows". You don't have to be a physical orphan, but a spiritual one, if you are the only one in the "truth", like I was. There were times I was struggling and the elders knew it. Since we were told our worldly families were in Satan's system AND I didn't want to make Jehovah or the Org look bad, I didn't tell my fam, who would have CERTAINLY helped. Actually, when my fam did figure some things out, they offered me help, which I did accept graciously, yet embarrassed by it.

    I remember even after fading from the "truth", when I was caring for someone who was Catholic, he asked me to go to the food pantry for him and his wife. In all honesty, I felt guilty by it, but I went, justifying it was part of my job. Crazy, huh? So I can understand families who were programmed it's all BAAAAD, not wanting to go to a food pantry...UP TO A POINT.

    When it comes down to the spiritual family not lifting a friggin finger to offer assistance, like cooking a meal for the fam, slipping $20 into someone's purse, or taking a few bags of groceries to the home, ring the bell and skedaddle like hell, WTF is one supposed to do? Starve to death? Food stamps is an option, but many times that does not cover an entire month.

    So someone has to begrudgingly "lower themselves" and go to a food bank, pantry or other charity to get some temporary assistance so their family can survive, and they are supposed to feel guilty over it? Holy crap this shit boils my brains! THEY..meaning from the top on down should be ashamed of THEMSELVES if it is at all known a family or one person in that congregation needs assistance in ANY way!

    IF the elders did their JOB as shepherds over the flock, they would know when something was not quite right. Besides, if they couldn't figure it out, there's always that juicy gossip they'll most likely hear from their wife. I hated going past a stranger and not hand out something, let alone knowing a fellow brother, sister or "family member" were in need. I'm the kind of person that just feels compelled to do something. I'd rather people not know I did, so as not to embarrass them or make a show of myself. So, for the life of me, I cannot fathom how the elders WOULD NOT help. If Jesus had a grave, he'd be rolling in it!

    What they need is a a contribution box in the hall for assistance of such matters, and things can be done discreetly. Oh, I'm living in a frickin fantasy world! The Society wants as much money as they can get their grubby little hands on, the elders are too busy doing non-important, non-life-saving work and most other people would rather gossip about your plight than help you.

    Did I mention I THANK GOD I'm otta there? Now I can continue to do some REAL good!

  • jemba

    But its OK because if you die from starvation in this system you will get a ressurection!!

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