Prosecutors Arrest Rape Victim for Failure to Show up at Trial!

by Diest 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • Diest

    Although I wish she would testify, I would not arrest her for not showing up. Especially if she fears for her life. What sad story.

    Prosecutors have taken the unusual step of detaining an alleged teenage rape victim who has a history of running away, saying she is a key witness against a man prosecutors say is a career criminal and serial rapist.

    Victims' rights advocates are joining the 17-year-old foster child's attorneys in arguing that her detention, upheld three times by two superior court judges, could discourage other victims from reporting sexual assaults. Moreover, they say the detention conflicts with laws governing the well-being of foster children, and with Marsy's Law, a victims' rights initiative approved by California voters in November 2008.

    "This is a very rare step for us. It's really the last thing we want to do, but we do feel that there is a public danger that has to be balanced here," Sacramento County Assistant District Attorney Albert Locher said Monday. "We believe it's important to balance the protection of the community in the process here, and that is done by ensuring a conviction and ensuring that this defendant will not have the opportunity to harm someone else in the future."

    The girl has been held in juvenile hall since March 23. Her attorneys are proposing that she be released to a foster or group home with a GPS ankle bracelet. Her next detention hearing is scheduled for April 16, but they hope to move up the hearing to get her released earlier.

    "She's being treated like a criminal without having done any criminal act. In fact, she's the victim," said attorney Lisa Franco, who is challenging the decision to hold the girl as a material witness to ensure she appears at the trial of Frank William Rackley Sr., 37. "This is just sending a chilling effect out there for people not wanting to report crimes and rapes. In the larger scope of things it's going to give other people more chance to commit crimes because people will be afraid to report."

    The Associated Press is not naming the girl because of her age and because she is an alleged sexual assault victim, though her attorneys complained that she has been identified in court papers and in open court.

    Prosecutors had to dismiss charges once against Rackley when the girl failed to appear, though they were able to charge him again with the same crimes the next day, according to court documents. The girl ran away twice from her foster home and did not show up for Rackley's preliminary hearing in October or his first scheduled trial date in February, according to an affidavit by Deputy District Attorney Alan Van Stralen.

    He now is set for a trial to begin April 23. His attorney, Assistant Public Defender Richard Berson, was not available to comment, and Berson's supervisor, David Klemer, said he couldn't comment.

    Franco said her client recognized the swastika tattooed on Rackley's chest. She and prosecutors said his DNA was found on her client after the then 16-year-old girl was abducted from a Sacramento light rail station on July 22.

    Sacramento attorney Amina Merritt, who represents the girl's interests as a foster child, said her client is now willing to testify against Rackley.

    "She is at risk and that is the reason she did not testify previously. She's afraid, she's afraid for her life," Merritt said. The girl is a different race than Rackley, and fears that others with a racial hatred might harm her even if Rackley is behind bars, Merritt said.

    An adult woman who also is an alleged Rackley victim has not been detained, Merritt noted.

    Locher said prosecutors are willing to consider any reasonable alternative that gives them assurance the girl will show up in court. Prosecutors contend the girl can be held as a material witness despite protections for foster children or sexual assault victims that also are written into California law.

    Sandra Henriquez, executive director of the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault, known as CalCASA, said this is the first time in her 20 years of working with victims that she has seen one incarcerated.

    "We're potentially sending a message that our concern over public safety supersedes our concern over a particular victim," she said. "We could also be jeopardizing public safety if fewer victims come forward."

  • NewChapter

    So we have a child rape victim--who is in foster care. We already know her life has been tragic, because of her status as ward of the state. She is not being cacooned by a loving family to help her get through this, but is in the care of relative strangers. She is a victim, and she is scared. She already understands that this system doesn't always protect her (ask any foster child) and felt the need to protect herself. So they have locked her in jail.

    Yeah. That makes sense. Open season now. What vulnerable person would ever come forward again? I know I wouldn't.


  • tec

    "We're potentially sending a message that our concern over public safety supersedes our concern over a particular victim," she said. "We could also be jeopardizing public safety if fewer victims come forward."


    I agree that people should try to persuade victims to testify against their attackers... but in the end, they should not be treated like the criminals if they refuse. Is it a law that you have to testify and press charges against your attacker? Just curious.

  • Diest

    I am amazed that a room full of people who were smart enough to make it through law school, and then mess this up so bad. Some sort of white supremist rapes a non-white girl, with no family. How scared would any of us be?

  • Diest

    TEC the law is that you have to show up, but not that you have to testify. Her failure to appear is why they detained her.

  • tec

    I guess that makes it more complicated. I'm going to mull it over a bit.



  • ohiocowboy

    Wow, that is sad. She has been through so much already, and to arrest her is a huge slap in the face. There is no telling what is going through her mind, especially at a time that she is probably very vulnerable, scared, and confused.

    She is the Victim, and does not deserve being treated in the way she is. I can see how they might need her testimony to get a conviction, but it seems that there would be other ways to do it, where she wouldn't have to actually be in the same room as her rapist. If they absolutely had to detain her, it should have been under her terms, and she should be treated with utmost respect, compassion and kindness especially during this very traumatic time for her.

    This is setting a bad precedent, and I bet a lot more people will now think twice before even letting the police know about a crime committed against them.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to this Young Lady.

    Here's another story about it too.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I was 19 when I was raped, I had no support from family and I didn't report it. Years later when I finally sought out help from my doctor, she made me feel guilty for not reporting it and protecting other people.She basically made me feel like I was responsible for them doing this to other girls.

    A note for anyone reading this that has made such an asshole comment to a victim....FUCK YOU! I am not responsible for someone elses behaviour.

    This poor girl is a victim in many ways...she needs support, not punishment. Those officials should be ashamed of themselves. It is her right to do nothing if she wants. Right now she won't be feeling like she has any rights whatsoever, and they have added to her feelings of worthlesness.

  • NewChapter

    He was a white supremist, and she's not white? Yeah, like who is going to protect her after she testifies. She probably has a lot of valid reasons for running, the least of which (and yet quite important) the trauma she went through. Her life may really be in danger. I can't even believe this.


  • tec

    Yeah, are they offering to give her protection after this, or relocate her, or something? Even then, it should STILL be her choice. Totally her choice.

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