A reason why most religious theological teachings are sociologically dangerous and damaging

by thetrueone 233 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • poopsiecakes

    I hope we can still be friends.

    Sab, for crying out loud of course we can still be friends. I wouldn't be spending all of this time going back and forth with you if I didn't want to understand you. I admit that I'm having a very hard time understanding you, but I'm honestly trying. Some of the stuff you write is interesting (in a sci-fi series, fanciful kind of way lol) and I think that you have an intriguing mind. I just sincerely hope that you swing back a little and realize that what you're coming up with as explanations to explain the universe are coming from a very dynamic and artistic mind - not from a place of logic and science. :)

  • FlyingHighNow

    There are literally thousands of men who are being kept inside mental institutions, self proclaiming themselves the Messiah or Mohammad.

    Another plausible reason why most religious theological teachings are sociologically dangerous and damaging.

    PLEASE educate yourself on who is kept in mental institutions anymore. In the USA the practice has been mostly abandoned, due to revisions in the laws that used to allow for this practice.

    And you are speaking of very seriously mentally ill people when they are in delusional states. These same people, when stabilized on medication will not think this way. Have you had people close to you who have had more than one delusional break? I have. One time the break may have a religious theme to it and the next it might have a government conspiracy theme to it. Then there are those times when a person will believe they have Super Man powers and can fly the earth avenging the wicked. A delusional person might think they are supposed to hunt Nazi war criminals and bring them to justice. A delusional person may hop a plane (Patty Duke) and head for Washington to try to warn the president about something.

    It is erroneous and perpetuating a myth to make such statements. The mentally ill are very misunderstood and there is a lot of misinformation and stigma circulating due to posts like this. I'm editing to add: the media in general can perpetuate such myths. And it can make for difficulties for the mentally ill and their friends and families who love them. Please leave the histrionics out of your arguments.

  • sabastious
    Sab, for crying out loud of course we can still be friends. I wouldn't be spending all of this time going back and forth with you if I didn't want to understand you. I admit that I'm having a very hard time understanding you, but I'm honestly trying. Some of the stuff you write is interesting (in a sci-fi series, fanciful kind of way lol) and I think that you have an intriguing mind. I just sincerely hope that you swing back a little and realize that what you're coming up with as explanations to explain the universe are coming from a very dynamic and artistic mind - not from a place of logic and science. :)

    I understand that metaphysical explanations do not hold up under strict empirical methodlogy. But I believe that if everyone relied on strict empirical methodlogy then we wouldn't be going as fast as we could. Just as if we relied soley on metaphysical methodology. I don't want a heart surgeon using metaphysics, you know? But I wouldn't laugh at someone for reading a horoscope everyday, or checking out a fortune teller or reflexologist. In fact I would be interested into someone's ideas who actually believes in those types of things.


  • NewChapter

    Faith allows room for growth and understanding, the same as any other area of life.

    The option is NEVER that prayer does not work. Instead, all manner of reasoning is used to confirm that prayer does work, but in this specific instance, there must have been something else going on. That is what I'm saying.

    If I hypothesize that mixing vinegar and baking soda and applying it to iron will turn it to gold, and it doesn't work, then my hypothesis is wrong. It's never that it does work, but maybe this time, the iron was more needed than the gold, or perhaps I need to learn a lesson in greed, therefore it didn't work this particular time, but it will surely work another time when I'm doing this for the correct reasons.


  • poopsiecakes

    Sab, I'm gonna hug you right now.

  • tec

    The option is NEVER that prayer does not work. Instead, all manner of reasoning is used to confirm that prayer does work, but in this specific instance, there must have been something else going on. That is what I'm saying.

    Gotcha. Thank you.

    "Prayer in general works, even if some or many prayers are not answered."

    The option is still there though, that prayer does not work, period. In fact, some have drawn this conclusion and so lost their faith in God. That some remain in their faith, having drawn different conclusions, does not mean that they've fallen prey to confirmation bias.



  • thetrueone

    To Flyinghighnow

    I posted a retraction to that comment.

    I retract my comment where I put blame on religious teachings causing people to go nuts.

    They may have actually gone nuts prior to themselves proclaiming to be Jesus Christ, in more practical way those religious teachings

    actually helped to identify these people with mental problems. A plus for religious theocracy .

  • thetrueone

    JWS around the world pray to Jehovah that Armageddon comes soon and his will be done to completeness.

    Oh the morality !

  • cyberjesus

    But I wouldn't laugh at someone for reading a horoscope everyday

    Yeah, I mean why not follow the alignment of the stars (which is not in real alignement its just the way it looks to us) to see who we really are and how we are gonna do today... I mean after all what harm is there?

    So what if your doctor would read his horoscope right before he is going to operate on you? would that be okay?

    "Today you are gonna have a hard day, many challenges but if you cant overcome them there will be other opportunities" :-)

  • cofty

    How can you really love somebody if you believe they are an enemy of your god? - Cofty
    Knowing that God wants all men to turn and be saved helps to put things into perspective as well - Tec

    That is exactly my point. If you believe that you are "saved" (whatever that means) and a fellow human is unsaved there is no real basis for genuine relationship. One of you is destined for an eternity of bliss with your god and the other isn't. Of course this is divisive, you are dividing humanity into saved and unsaved.

    I don't recall stating that I view faith as a virtue - Tec

    FFS don't insult me Tammy how many quotes from your previous comments about faith do you want me to post?

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