Memorial Bragging Rights: We Had a "Bethel Speaker"...Ooooooo..

by Open mind 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    We had Bethel speakers for memorial most of the years in my last hall. Sydlik pioneered in this area years ago, so he always liked coming out. He was quite the dapper friendly person...and truth be told, very down to earth and kind. Marina was always in the background, seemed shy.

    The last few years I went we had JR Brown. He had an entourage. They had to issue tickets to the congregation for the meetings while he was here because there were so many in his entourage, there wouldn't be enough seating for those who actually went to the hall.

    A very different experience than what Barbara and Joe had, I'm sure.

    And then there is Ianelli....

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    entourage? Seriously? Who did he think he was? Bobby Brown?

  • yourmomma

    The belief-system of JWs is, to my way of thinking now that I know better, a fantasy faith, one we were all caught up in, even those at the top. There's plenty of negatives we can talk about in the WT organization. But it's just like all the other religions - they are made up of mostly very sincere people with all the usual assets and deficits.

    Barbara, I agreed with you on this for a long time, that was until recently with the fact that as far as I understand all of those GB members have passed away. Right now it is being run by GB 2.0. And when I read the watchtower, and listen to for example the past 2 or 3 convention drama's, I hear and read propaganda from very skilled propagandists. Whoever writes those dramas, and some of the study articles are skilled in propaganda techniques. I dont see how this current group doesnt know what they are doing, or if its not them, whoever is truly running things.

    I'd love to get your viewpoint on that.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    We had a window cleaner.

    He was OK.


  • sabastious

    Hello Barbara, thank you for your post 855. It's a very interesting to hear from your perspective. This stood out to me:

    There's plenty of negatives we can talk about in the WT organization. But it's just like all the other religions - they are made up of mostly very sincere people with all the usual assets and deficits.

    What first comes to my mind is that not all religions use such an intense version of mind control on their members. Dirty religious abuse happens in every time and culture, yes, but I really do believe there is something uniquely sinister about the Watchtower and their methods. Their methods cater to the narcissist in us all while subduing the rest of our nature that is good. They focus on the bad of humanity and nothing more. What this does is create an environment "as thick as thieves." That's why you left right? You suddenly realized yourself to be deep within a den of devils.

    I have been researching eastern religious concepts and I came across an interesting ideal. It comes from the 38th hexagram from the Book of Changes: Opposition.

    When you see evil people, Guard yourself against mistakes. I CHING 38

    Did you not find yourself having to guard against mistakes while in the heart of the Watchtower? Did you bitterly feel every mistake you ever made? If so, such was evidence that you were among evil people, not just your run of the mill religious adherents, but people seeking to dominate you for their own purposes. Many you engaged with on a daily basis likely had dark secrets that you were completely unaware of that manifested in their behavior. That behavior, first shrugged off as nothing eventually becomes too much to stomach. For a good person, being in an environment like that will always spring forth internal conflict within the mind that always eventually finds itself bursting forth into the outside world.

    The hexagram is interpreted further:

    One meets his lord in a narrow street. No blame. I CHING 38

    Once you were identified as an opposer you and your husband started upon a lonely narrow path. Anyway, I really enjoyed reading your post and I feel that the 38th Hexagram describes the EXJW apostate position well. I thought you, and fellow "opposers" might find encouragement in it.


  • james_woods

    And do we need further proof that this is a man-made cult?

  • RayPublisher

    Lovely account Barbara. Thank you.

  • tinker

    I recieved a call from my Son the Elder last week, inviting us to the Memorial. He was very excited to tell us they were having a Special Speaker from Bethel. We declinded the offer but thanked him for thinking of us. I have never understood the gushing over a speaker from Bethel. I do appriciate Barbara sharing her experience from the other side but the local pubs act like a Celebraty Rock Star will be performing. They might get an extra bit of 'the spirit' if they breath the same air. As If! Sorry to hear about the 'cat hair incident' but in our area the Special Guest is treated like royalty. We have a wealthy local elder who pays the expenses and sets them up in a posh guesthouse on the hill. They are taken to the best resturants and wine tasteing even. I never resented these hard working 'slaves' a nice getaway, it's the SuperStar status the locals pour on. As others have said, it is all about the Bragging Rights IMO.

  • truthseeker

    Our congregation is close to NY Bethel, we had three Bethel couples. The brothers were elders in Bethel and the congregation.

  • AndersonsInfo

    I don't disagree that many congregations treat Bethelites very well, like maybe rock stars. We had those experiences too. But for every good one, there are the other kind and every experienced Bethel speaker has both. Nevertheless, during the work week, very few Bethelites experience commendation. So it's a bit of a reward to be noticed and maybe fussed over and everyone I knew enjoyed that. As for those in the congregations who wanted to touch the hem of the garment a Bethelite was wearing, so to speak, what else do they have exciting in their lives? It was out of sheer boredom and lack of a real life that caused some JWs to want to be around people who they thought were special. It's the same way in most groups, isn't it?

    About Bethelites traveling to Europe and being wined and dined by rich Witnesses. We experienced both. We were treated to a three-week tour of the UK with a couple of JWs who paid for everything. It happened that I had studied with the woman many, many years before and she married an architect. He became a JW and an elder and she was forever showing her appreciation to us for bringing her the JW message. Incidentally, both she and her husband shunned us immediately when we were disfellowshipped. It's been over ten years since we have spoken. How's that for supposedly unconditional love!

    Many Bethelites have relatives and friends who are very well off materially who pay for their trips to exotic places, etc. because they appreciate the work that they are led to believe is so important -- serving at Bethel. After Joe finished his first Bethel experience in the late 1950s, two of his former room mates continued to stay in touch with us for many years. During those years, both men became quite wealthy. While we spent many years in full-time service, Joe's friends (elders) were making money. So when we went to Bethel in the 1980s, both of his friends at different times paid for a number of trips for us and certainly wined and dined us when we would see them. This type of Bethelite perk happens often for some depending on circumstances, but for others who have no rich relatives or friends, they don't go anywhere. Incidentally, we are also shunned by my husband's two best friends, those wealthy elders who would have given us the moon had we asked for it!

    Another thing. Traveling Bethelites can stay free at branches all around the world and this is a very special perk. Our Bethelite son went on a tour in Europe with three other young Bethelites. They went as bank couriers on the plane so no charge for flying. Then they rented a car, split the expense four ways and stayed at WT branches in every major city they went too. Our son had his end of the year clothing allowance and we gave him from our clothing allowance an additional $125.00 to pay for food and misc. things.

    We went to Turkey for seven days when we were at Bethel. Because of knowing so many people due to our way of life then, we heard from another Bethelite couple about a special airplane fare to Turkey, so the four of us went there. How did we pay for it? Put it on our credit card that all Bethelites could get from CitiBank through a special arrangement the bank had with the WT because WT kept lots of money in that bank. We stayed at the branch in Istanbul and from there we went to other cities in Turkey staying over night with Turkish JWs. Where we had no arrangements to stay the night with JWs, we stayed at very inexpensive little inns. To those on the outside of Bethel in the congregations, it might have looked like we Bethelites were special because we traveled, but looks can be deceptive. In our case, we had little money, but we had lots of confidence in our credit card. When we returned, we paid $25.00 a month to CitiBank for a couple of years. But we had wonderful memories. The couple we traveled with often went on trips. They had been to India before the Turkish trip. Because they had been in Bethel for many years, they had quite a bit of vacation time saved up so went on long trips. How did they pay for their trips? Credit card! In fact, they had thousands of dollars of credit card debt. But they didn't care because they believed that the world was going to end soon and they wouldn't have to pay back CitiBank!

    Then there are Bethelites who scheme and cheat. I knew of some Bethelites who used their positions at Bethel to make money. I won't go into details but it happened more times than you would believe. The reason I found out about them is because of my past before Bethel business experiences and when I'd work with them and see how they filled out forms, etc., it was apparent to me how they were able to finance so many trips. Some were caught and others weren't, but during our time in Bethel, we saw some high-flyers shot down by being demoted and in time they left Bethel in dissatisfaction.

    The Bethelite story is really in the details, something most Witnesses never hear. Often times, what you know about Bethel and see in the lives of Bethelites is not exactly the way it really is. While we were at Bethel, we came to know some of the GB very well, and most were exhausted from the busy life they led. To be contantly on the go and in the public eye really got to them. It was really not a normal life. As for the new crop of GB, I can't speak for them. The now deceased GB came from a different age that made them what they were. I would assume that most of the present GB are a product of this age and think differently about so many things. I'm not defending the past GB in any way. They definitely were responsible for much pain and suffering in the ranks because they upheld very bad rules, beliefs and policies. I'm merely reporting some facts about what Bethel life was like. If I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't have believed it could be like what I experienced every day for almost eleven years.


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